City Manager's report - week of August 11

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Update for the Week of 8/11/2014
By Debbie Tarry, Shoreline City Manager

Council Meetings

August 11
·         Dinner Meeting: Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act training with Boards and Commissions (Planning Commission, PRCS Board, and Library Board). Regular Meeting:
o   Adoption of 2014 Development Code Amendments: These amendments were discussed by Council on July 14 and adopted as recommended by the Planning Commission.
o   Contract with Transmap Corporation: Authorized the City Manager to enter into a contract with Transmap Corporation in the amount of $127,003.68 for professional services needed to complete the Pavement Management and Right-of-way (ROW) Asset Inventory Project.
o   Kamins Construction Contract Contingency: The Citywide Safety Improvement Project has been constructed by Kamins Construction Company. During construction unforeseen conditions were encountered that needed to be addressed that increased project costs. This is the final project pay request, so no additional contingency will be necessary on this project.
o   Discussion of the 185th Street Station Subarea Plan Preferred Alternative: Council discussed the preferred alternative that should be used for the Final Environmental Impact Statement analysis (FEIS). Council waived Council rules to allow public comment after the staff presentation on this item. Council will make the selection of the Preferred Alternative on August 25.
o   Discussion of 2015-202 CIP: The 2015-2020 CIP will be submitted to Council for review and approval in October along with the 2015 Operating Budget. Council was provided with an opportunity to review the draft fund summaries of the four capital funds and to provide input or changes prior to submitting the 2015-2020 CIP as part of the operating budget.

August 18
·         Dinner Meeting (5:30 p.m. Start Time): Executive Session – Personnel. This will be an opportunity for Council to meet with consultant Dick Cushing regarding my six-month review. Dick will facilitate a conversation with Council on what has gone well, what could have gone better, and things to work on.
·         Regular Meeting:
o   Planning Commission Appointment Process: Terri Strandberg has notified us that she is resigning from the Planning Commission effective August 28, as she is moving out of Shoreline. In discussing this with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor they have recommended that we use a similar process to that used to fill the Park Board vacancy earlier this year. Basically waiving Council rules for recruitment and interview process, and reconstitute the Council sub-committee that most recently participated in the Planning Commission appointment process (Eggen, Hall, Roberts) and have them review the applications of those interviewed during the last process, but not appointed. There were four applicants in this category. If Council agrees with this strategy on August 18, then the sub-committee could come back with a recommendation for appointment on August 25.
o   Design Concepts for 145th Light Rail Station DEIS: The market study for this light rail station subarea will be presented and also some design concepts of how density zones could be implemented based on feedback from the public in the first set of Design Dialogue Workshops held in June. Input from Council will be used to start putting together potential zoning scenarios to be used in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement process. The zoning scenarios will be reviewed by Council on September 15, and these zoning scenarios will be used in the second Design Dialogue Workshop scheduled for October 9.
o   Potential Executive Session – Potential Property Acquisition

RWD Assumption and Boundary Review Board Process
North City Water District submitted a letter to the King County Boundary Review Board requesting that the BRB deny the assumption. Below are links to Shoreline’s brief to the Snohomish County BRB and the brief submitted by Olympic View Water & Sewer District.

Olympic View contends that the Point Wells Service Area was not properly transferred to Ronald Wastewater District from King County and therefore should be part of Olympic View’s Service Area. Olympic View also contends that if it is the service provider, flows will be directed to the City of Edmonds for treatment, which is less expensive than King County treatment charges. The Point Wells area appears to be in the King County Service Area, so it is not clear how Olympic View can guarantee directing flows to Edmonds for treatment.

Last week, Mayor Winstead, Public Works Director Mark Relph, and I met with Edmond’s Mayor Earling and Edmond’s Public Works Director to discuss how we could partner in the future if Shoreline is the sewer provider at Point Wells. This included opportunities to negotiate with King County to have flows directly go to Edmonds (vs. through King County pipes that redirect the flows to Edmonds).

On Thursday night the Planning Commission approved letters of support for the assumption. We have received commitments from the following cities for letters of support:  Mountlake Terrace, Lake Forest Park, Kirkland, Algona, and Renton. Links to briefing documents:

Summary of Pointe Wells EIS Scoping Comments
Snohomish County has summarized the major issues that were raised during the scoping process. A total of 69 people submitted oral comments. The County received 168 comment letters/emails. All of the comment letters/emails are available for review at the Snohomish County Planning and Development Services (PDS) Department.

Read Snohomish County's summary [pdf]

Neighborhood Mini-Grant Awarded
This week I approved a neighborhood mini-grant for the Richmond Beach Neighborhood Association in the amount of $5,000 for their Halloween Carnival at Syre Elementary.

Top Foods Building
Halloween Spirit will be leasing the old TOP Foods site across from City Hall during September and October to set up a temporary Halloween store.

Alaska Airline Commercial Filmed at Kellogg Middle School

Key Contacts
Over the last couple of weeks I have had several key meetings. Here is a summary:
  • July 30: Meeting with Eric Faison, Woodway Town Administrator
  • July 31: Lunch and meeting with Shoreline School Superintendent, Rebecca Miner and Shoreline Community College President, Cheryl Roberts
  • August 5: Meeting with Snohomish County Councilmember Ken Klein regarding Ronald Wastewater District Assumption and Point Wells. (Intergovernmental Relations Program Manager Scott MacColl and I are meeting with Snohomish County Councilmembers Sommers and Sullivan on August 18.)
  • August 7: Arlene Fisher, City Manager for Mountlake Terrace
  • August 8: Mayor Winstead, Public Works Director Mark Relph, and I met with Edmond’s Mayor Dave Earling
  • August 11: I met with the new Seattle Deputy Mayor, Kate Joncas.

This and That
  • Into the Woods – The first weekend was a great success and there are over 500 reservations for this production over the next three weekends. Here’s a link
  • New Business Licenses – The City issued 98 new business licenses in July. 59 of those businesses are located in Shoreline!

This Week’s Calendar Items
  • August 16: Celebrate Shoreline, Cromwell Park, 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. Kids Move Challenge photo with Mayor and Council is scheduled for 2:25 p.m. at the Main Stage. Drawing for scooters will occur at 2:30 p.m.
  • August 17: Sandcastle Contest at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park, Noon to 3 p.m.


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