Assessor's town hall meeting serves multiple residential areas

Monday, August 4, 2014

The King County Assessor's office will be holding a town meeting in Shoreline for residential property owners on Tuesday, August 12, from 6-7:30pm at Shoreline City Hall, 17500 Midvale N. See previous article.

Unfortunately, the meeting comes too late for property holders in the west section of Shoreline to use the information to appeal their assessments.

Phillip Sit, of the Assessor's office said,

"We attempt to schedule our town halls to ensure that as many areas within the meeting location still have their 60 day deadline to appeal. In the case of this upcoming Shoreline meeting on August 12th, West Central Shoreline (Area 2 – 1,446 parcels) and East Shoreline (Area 3 – 1,119 parcels) appeal deadline is August 18th. Our office understands where concerns are coming from, and hope that residents from West Shoreline interested in learning more about the Assessor’s Office will attend our town hall."

The Assessor’s Office has broken up King County into 86 residential areas. Given the size of King County and the number of parcels involved (700,000+), the valuation process starts in May and continues through to October. Residential areas are not sent out by city limits, hence there are situations where one part of a city might receive their valuation notice prior to another part of the city.

Shoreline is divided into three sections: West, West Central, and East. Lake Forest Park is included with West Kenmore in a different section. West Shoreline received their notices weeks before East Shoreline.

This town hall meeting is a regional event which includes not only Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, but North Seattle and Northgate. 


Anonymous,  August 5, 2014 at 11:41 AM  

Hold the meeting in June, not in August. Is that so difficult? What a joke. Anytime the Assessor's Office wants to provide a true service to property owners rather than the pretense of one, they can be my guest. The vast majority of the assessment value, as anyone with half a brain knows, is in West Shoreline.

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