The Best Thing You Can Do This Weekend: Donate Blood
Friday, July 4, 2014
Tom Petersen's collection of donor pins |
By Tom Petersen
Over the 4th of July weekend, Americans celebrate their independence and liberty in any way that pleases them. Many choose to go to Emergency Rooms, and while most others would pick something more lighthearted, we are reminded that our civic holidays are also times to be big hearted.
The Puget Sound Blood Center’s mobile unit will be in front of the Shoreline Fire Safety Center at the corner of Richmond Beach Road and 20th Ave NW from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, July 5. Most healthy adults (and 16 and 17 year olds, with parent permission) are eligible to donate. Giving blood takes about 45 minutes, from walking in and signing up to leaving full of cookies and juice.
It’s something nice to do for your country, on your way to or from Saltwater Park.
A photo ID is required.
Hurricane Arthur and local supplies - The first hurricane of the season, on the east coast, sets off a ripple effect of blood shortages across the nation. Hundreds of local blood drives are cancelled this weekend, right when the need for blood spikes because of the holiday. Puget Sound Blood Center, along with scores of similar organizations across the country, will help make up the shortages, but this requires a good turn-out at events like the one in Richmond Beach.
Since the inception of the Richmond Beach blood drives, six years ago, they have collected 758 pints from 927 registrants. If they continue to maintain their average turnout (25) and collection (a couple drams shy of 21) they will register their 1000th donor and hit 100 gallons by the end of the day at the last blood drive of the year, end of December.
Typically, each pint is split three ways (if at all). The hemophiliacs average out with the people who need whole blood and the portions that go to research, so the estimate is that each pint helps about three people, in some way, eventually.
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