On the Mayor's mind: a summer full of events in Shoreline

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Shoreline Mayor Shari Winstead
On the Mayor's Mind
July 14, 2014
By Shoreline Mayor Shari Winstead

Both the calendar and the weather are telling us (loud and clear!) that summer is really here. We know it won’t last long enough, so let the fun begin!

Besides the City wide events, most neighborhoods have their own signature event , maybe an ice cream social or a picnic. It’s a great way to meet new neighbors and to reconnect with folks I haven’t seen all winter. You can check out the City’s Neighborhood website to find out what’s coming up in your neck of the woods.

And there’s no shortage of City wide events through the summer:

Swingin’ Summer Eve, July 23  – bring a picnic or try something new from the food vendors, sit back and enjoy the music, visit with your friends and reflect on how beautiful Cromwell Park is, thanks to the citizens’ tax dollars. Many of us remember the “dust bowl” that Cromwell was years ago when our kids played ball there. Things in Shoreline just keep getting better!

SolarFest,  July 26 – Eleven years and still growing! One of the best, and most hip events around our region. Shoreline is really making a mark on the solar industry. It’s appropriate that this festival is held at Shoreline Community College, home of the Zero Energy House and Clean Energy program. This year will be even more fun with the “trash fashion dog show” at 2pm. The first in the world – you’ve got to check this out. I am proud to be in the show with my dog Stewart, and my grand-dog, Hunter. I had a blast making their cute costumes out of recycled materials. Come see what it’s all about!

August brings non-stop good times in Shoreline, starting with with Arts Al Fresco on the 7th. Piano Time, one of my favorite summer activities, also kicks off on August 1, as the piano’s are rolled out around the city. Make it a point to check out some of the great artwork on the pianos, and feel free to plunk out a few notes, or if you are a true musician, take a seat and entertain the passersby. Last summer I had a musician friend from New York come to visit, and she played a song on each one of the pianos in Shoreline. It was a really fun day for all of us, and she tells everyone she knows what a cool place Shoreline is!

National Night Out, Tuesday, August 5. Yet another chance to meet your neighbors. Have a block party! Start a block watch! Last week I noticed an unfamiliar car in front of my neighbor’s house. I waited a couple of days, noticing that the car had not moved, and then phoned my neighbor to see if it belonged to them. As it turned out they were on vacation. After checking with another neighbor, I phoned the Shoreline Police and asked them to check on the vehicle. They ran the plates, and sure enough, it was a stolen car that had been abandoned. The owner, an Edmonds resident, was very happy to have her vehicle recovered within a week, and fortunately, without any damage. Just another example of why it is important to know our neighbors, have cell phone numbers and be aware. And don’t ever hesitate to call the police if something seems “not quite right”. Trust your gut.

This year’s North City Jazz Walk on August 12th is going to be better than ever. We have new businesses and venues this year, so make sure you get your ticket in advance and don’t miss the party!

And of course, the granddaddy of events, Celebrate Shoreline, starts on Friday, August 15 and goes through Sunday, August 17. It kicks off with a skateboarding contest on Friday afternoon, the big festival celebrating the City’s anniversary on Saturday and the Sand Castle building contest on Sunday.

Let’s hope it’s a sunny week to be out and about! I’ll see you there!


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