BALNA adopts a road this Saturday

Saturday, July 5, 2014

BALNA neighbors at a previous clean up

The Ballinger Neighborhood Association (BALNA) is holding its quarterly Adopt-A-Road cleanup of the 25th Ave NE and 205th NE area on Saturday, July 5, at 9am.

Ballinger area residents are invited to come out Saturday morning for an hour of fresh air, a little exercise and the good feeling of keeping the neighborhood clean.

Volunteers should meet at Bruggers Bog Park on 25th Ave NE just off Ballinger Way, at 9am.

The area being cleaned is along 25th Ave NE between Ballinger Way and NE 205th, and along NE 205th from 25th to 19th.

Bring gloves, jacket (depending on weather), and an interest in having a good time. Yes, you can have a good time cleaning up the streets ... when you do it with your neighbors!

Ballinger Neighborhood Association (BALNA) is an organization of neighbors existing solely to benefit our community, seeking to capture the best of community life, believing that neighbors need neighbors, and embracing our urban diversity and all who call Ballinger Neighborhood “Home.”


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