Work continues on projects to connect two major trails

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park have been working for some time on routes and projects to connect the two major north-south trails - the Interurban Trail in Shoreline and the Burke Gilman Trail in Lake Forest park.

The current Shoreline planning will provide two routes (northern and southern) to connect Shoreline’s section of the regional Interurban Trail to Lake Forest Park and the Burke-Gilman Trail. 

The trail connections will be a combination of signage, sidewalks, shoulder improvements, sharrows and grade separated paths to provide the east-west routes for these important regional trails.

Specific work includes:

  • Bike lanes /rechannelization /sharrows /signage along the routes. Wayfinding signage indicating the routes are connections between the Interurban Trail and Burke Gilman Trail.
  • Sidewalk improvements on NE 150th Street, allowing bike lanes on the street from 5th Avenue NE to 25th Avenue NE.

If funding is available, construction of 12 foot wide multi-purpose trails on unimproved city right-of-way to provide neighborhood connections.

Design for NE 195th train

NE 195th today

The project will build upon already completed bike lanes and separated trail segments previously completed or planned for construction such as the 195th Street connection along Holyrood Cemetery to the pedestrian overpass on the freeway.

Shoreline is moving forward with the option to widen the improvements on the north side of NE 195th Street and build the trail which will provide bicycle and pedestrian walkways. The proposed improvements will not change the current use of NE 195th Street, however on street parking will be limited upon completion.


Anonymous,  June 14, 2014 at 9:13 AM  

The displayed map is outdated and does not properly depict the southern route on the LFP side.

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