Triple D Summer Conditioning Camp for grades 7-12

Monday, June 9, 2014

Can't seem to motivate yourself to work out?  Needing to get in shape for a fall sport?  Looking for something to do this summer?  Enjoy playing soccer?  If you answered 'yes' to ANY of these questions, then Triple D is for you!  

Triple D Summer Conditioning Camp
D • D • D
Desire  Determination • Dedication

Located at Shorecrest High School
June 23 - August 8

19 years in the Shoreline School District
For athletes of all abilities 
Open to incoming grades 7-12
$70 for 7 weeks of training
M - W - F 8:00 - 11:00 (Weights 8-10, Soccer 10-11 most days)
T - TH 8:00 - 10:00 (Outdoor Speed and Agility Training)

• Circuit Training
• Weightlifting
• Plyometrics
• Resistance Training
• Footspeed Drills
• Form Running Drills

Check out the website


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