Shoreline Farmers Market is pet and kid friendly

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Opening day proved the Shoreline Farmers Market to be pet and kid-friendly as well as a great place to get vegetables, flowers, and lunch.

Shoreline Mayor Shari Winstead shares lunch with Stewart
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

New this year were activities for small children - ring toss, ball toss, and whatever it is they are doing in the photo - it looks engrossing.

One of the kids' activities at the Market
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

There was a choice of ready to eat places, including Patty Pan which recently opened up shop in the Briarcrest Neighborhood.

Patty Pan Cooperative
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

Naturally, there were flowers and vegetables - sometimes in the same booth.

Photo by Steven H. Robinson

The Shoreline Farmers Market will be held every Saturday from 10am to 3pm through October 4.

If you missed this market day, you have a second chance as the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market is Sunday in the lower level of Town Center, from 10am to 3pm.


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