Police arrest knife-wielding man on SCC campus

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Shoreline Police arrested a 33-year-old man on the campus of Shoreline Community College Tuesday afternoon, June 10, 2014.

According to campus security personnel, the man approached a smoking shelter on the west side of campus, confronted several people in the shelter and brandished a knife. Witnesses said they didn’t know the man who is not registered as a student at the college.

The man left the smoking shelter and began walking east along an on-campus roadway. A campus security officer on regular patrol in a security vehicle was flagged down by those in the shelter who then reported the incident. The officer in the vehicle and two more security officers on foot who were called to assist, contacted the man at a second smoking shelter near the main entrance to the campus. Concerned by his behavior and the earlier report, the security officers handcuffed the man and called 911.

Within minutes, Shoreline Police responded with multiple officers. Police questioned the man and witnesses, then arrested the man and took him to King County Jail on suspicion of making threats, assault or attempted assault.


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