After three million steps, City challenges residents to keep moving

Monday, June 9, 2014

As part of its Healthy City initiative, the City of Shoreline and the Ridgecrest Neighborhood Association challenged residents to take one million steps around Paramount School Park during the month of May.

One hundred and fifty-five people participated and logged a total of 3,330,200 steps! That is equal to 1,531 miles. Residents of all ages and abilities participated. In fact, the 7th best stepper, Sara E, is 84 years of age. She completed 115,275 steps.

In 2012, the City issued its first challenge to residents to climb one million stairs at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park during the month of June. Residents answered the call and made the one million steps by the 24th of the month. In 2013, determined to do even more, residents climbed 2,266,404 stairs. As a result of the overwhelming popularity of this challenge, this year's goal is 3,000,000 steps during the month of June.

In addition to the Step and Stair challenges, the City has also issued a Kids Move Challenge. 

The City is challenging Shoreline kids to exercise at least 60 minutes a day for 30 days. 

Kids completing the challenge can enter a chance to win one of four scooters and helmets at this year's Celebrate Shoreline Festival. 

Copies of the Kids Move Challenge tracker form can be found online or in person at the Spartan Gym front desk. 


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