Surface water public meeting Tuesday in Shoreline

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Shoreline's Surface Water Utility is conducting a study of the McAleer Creek and Lyon Creek/Ballinger Creek drainage basins to identify drainage, water quality, and stream habitat issues, and potential management strategies to address the identified issues.

In addition, the City will assess the condition of the subsurface stormwater conveyance system (storm pipe network) in each basin.

Staff will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, May 13, 6-8pm at Shoreline City Hall Council Chamber, 17500 Midvale Ave, to explain the basin planning elements, schedule, and receive input of issues and problems in the basin that should be assessed in the studies.

If you are unable to attend, contact Brian Landau, Surface Water and Environmental Services Manager, 206-801-2451 to share your comments. 


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