50 Year Shoreline resident nominated for award

Monday, May 19, 2014

Eleanor J. Monroe
Eleanor J. Monroe of Shoreline has been nominated for a Positive Aging Award.

Monroe moved to Shoreline in 1964 and celebrates her golden anniversary of residency this year. 

She taught in The Shoreline School District for 34 years, starting in 1954. For an additional ten years, Monroe supervised new teachers via The University of Washington.

Now in her eighties, she continues to tutor students. Monroe was nominated for this award because of her extensive community involvement, ability to give hope to those struggling with a variety of life challenges, and consistent examples of aging with grace, joy, and dignity.
The winner of this award, which is sponsored by Senior Services of King County, will be announced at a free breakfast open to the public. The breakfast will be at The Northshore Senior Center in Bothell on Saturday, May 31st at 9am.

For more information about this award or to reserve a spot (all reservations must be complete by 5/27/2014) for breakfast contact Wendy Amour at 206-727-6205.

Was Mrs. Monroe your teacher? Did you work with her?  If yes, Tu-Ha Nguyen would like to hear from you - Ms. Nguyen is writing a book about Monroe’s life.

Did you nominate someone? Send us your story.


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