Patty Pan Cooperative sets up shop in Shoreline with a dinner Monday

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Patty Pan Cooperative is now in Shoreline

Patty Pan Cooperative, a farmers' market concession business, has recently relocated to the Briarcrest neighborhood in Shoreline, on 158th and 27th in the building that formerly held Sunshine Espresso, 15550 27th Ave NE.

In addition to using the space to prep for the many farmers' markets where they vend (including Shoreline and Lake Forest Park), they are creating a neighborhood kitchen where they will host monthly community dinners and group cooking events.

They currently vend at 14 Seattle-area markets, serving tamales with homemade salsas as well as grilled vegetable quesadillas whose ingredients change with the seasons. They source most of their staples from the farmers who are their friends and neighbors at the markets.

They are holding their inaugural Humble Feast dinner this coming Monday, June 2. Reservations are appreciated, but not necessary, but if you wish to pay in advance, go to Brown Paper Tickets. Dinners are $10 for adults and $5 for children.

Lamb and Lentil Stuffed Grape Leaves
Seasonal Salad
White Beans with Mint and Fresh Peas
Apple Crisp

Keep up with them on their Facebook page or website.

Farmers' Markets - LFP Sunday - Shoreline to start June 14

Photo by Valerie Craig

There are two farmers' markets in our area selling, fresh, non-toxic produce, eggs, meat, even ice cream. Both markets have other types of vendors and ready to eat food. 

The Lake Forest Park market opened on Mother's Day and is open every Sunday from 10am to 3pm (new hours this year). It is set up in the lower parking lot at Town Center, intersection of Ballinger Way and Bothell Way.

The Shoreline Market will have its season opening on Saturday, June 14. It is held on the upper deck of the City parking garage at 17500 Midvale Ave N. Hours are 10am to 3pm.

Date correction - Shoreline opens June 14 - updated 06-03-2014 10:31am

Live music at Darrell's on Sunday nights


Darrell's Tavern at 18041 Aurora Ave N features live music on the weekends, with Jazz Jam every Sunday night at 8pm. Cover $5 suggested.

Lake Forest Park boy is granted a wish from the Make-A-Wish Foundation

Milo - thoroughly enjoying his new trampoline

The Make-a-Wish Foundation is known for its spectacular wishes granted to children with life-threatening diseases - meeting and spending time with a famous sports star - headlining a parade - being mayor for a day.

But they also grant smaller wishes which bring just as much joy, as one Lake Forest Park family can attest.

Eight year old Milo Lawson was recently diagnosed with a life-threatening form of epilepsy.

As part of his Wish Day through the Make a Wish foundation, Milo wished for a trampoline jumping birthday party with his closest family and friends. Just last week, Milo’s wish came true and he was surprised with a Springfree Trampoline, the world’s safest trampoline, so he could enjoy jumping whenever his heart desires with his family and friends. Springfree Trampolines eliminate 90 percent of product-related injuries associated with trampolines. 

The Lawson family: dad and mom Erik and Kim
Milo and brother Sam

Milo’s trampoline was revealed to him on his birthday with a themed celebration complete with music, a bubble machine, and Milo’s favorite food and drinks. SpringfreeTM donated Milo’s new trampoline, and local wish-granting volunteers put on the party. (Link to video).

Milo and his brother will have hours of bouncing without worrying about safety.

Since 1986, Make-A-Wish Alaska and Washington has granted wishes to more than 5,400 children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. This year, the local chapter will grant 320 wishes. According to a 2011 U.S. study of wish impact, most health professionals surveyed believe a wish-come-true can influence the health of children. Kids say wishes give them renewed strength to fight their illnesses, and their parents say these experiences help strengthen the entire family. For more information about Make-A-Wish Alaska and Washington and how you can share the power of a wish® please call 800.304.9474, visit the webpage or Facebook page.

Council approves transfer of surplus vanpool van to organizations throughout King County

The Metropolitan King County Council unanimously approved sending more than two dozen eager King County “retirees” to new careers of helping transport county residents. The Council adopted a motion transferring retired Metro Vanpool vans to provide transportation assistance to local governments, community programs, senior citizens and young people.

The retired vans have been part of Metro Transit’s vanpool fleet for at least six years and have reached the end of their service life. When the vans reach this age, they are considered surplus. The vehicles that are not donated are sold.

Since 1996, the County Council has transferred more than 460 retired vans from Metro’s Vanpool program to local nonprofit organizations to provide transportation for the disabled, low-income, young adults, and senior citizens. 

The organizations, agencies and governments receiving vans include these agencies with local ties: Hopelink, PROVAIL, and Turning Point.

For Sale: Colacurcio house in Lake Forest Park

For less than a million dollars, you can own the home of deceased organized crime boss, Frank Colacurcio.

Colacurcio, who died in 2010, was the owner of strip clubs Sugar's in Shoreline and Rick's in Lake Forest Park. 

From The Seattle Times:
In June 2008, the FBI, IRS and local police raided the then-90-year-old Colacurcio’s home and other properties, after a two-year undercover investigation built a federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) case against him and his associates. 
A year later, a grand jury indicted Colacurcio; his son, Frank Colacurcio Jr.; and four associates involved in operating four Western Washington strip clubs. The indictments alleged Colacurcio Sr. and the others conspired to use the clubs as fronts for prostitution and money laundering. 
Authorities pursued the case, in part, to dismantle Colacurcio’s syndicate — a target of law enforcement for decades — by seizing his clubs: Rick’s in Seattle; Fox’s in Parkland, Pierce County; Honey’s in Everett; and Sugar’s in Shoreline.

His home in Sheridan Beach escaped the forfeitures, and is on the market.

Sale of the Colacurcio home will mark the end of an era. It’s the last among three prominent Colacurcio-owned properties along a stretch of Highway 522 between Lake City and Lake Forest Park that marked senior’s latter-day stomping grounds. 
Rick’s strip club still operates, but under different ownership, and the building that for years housed Colacurcio’s Talents West administrative offices is now home to a medical-marijuana dispensary.

The Sugar's property was bought by a well-respected Shoreline businessman.

Tech Talk: Scaling Social Networks - Balancing Virtual Content and Real Life

Scaling Social Networks - Balancing Virtual Content and Real Life

  • Social Networks are an amazing way for people to connect around the world, sharing information, experiences, and laughter.
  • Social Networks are major distraction in your daily life, taking chunks of your time, and disconnecting you from local interpersonal contact and connection.

Both these statements are true. I find the balance between the two statements tips one way or the other depends on the day.

The Positive/Negative Struggle

If it is a “writing/research” day, the scales tip to the virtual side of the scale. Social media is a great learning tool for me; a way of keeping up with other techies out there, and a way to survey the diversity of opinion that is often simplified in the mass media.

On the other hand, a day full of hands-on teaching / troubleshooting  / client connections moves the scale towards Real Life. Those are the days when you realize that social networks stream a lot of information 24 hours a day / 7 days a week whether you are available for it or not. It’s relentless!
How Relentless is It?

Twitter streams an average of 500 million tweets per day (follow it here in real-time!). Facebook users create 2,460,000 pieces of content per minute (messages, pictures, etc.).

Even the most dedicated user can be overwhelmed at times with the enormity of information. The challenge is how to keep the scales balanced. One way to do this is by using a “curating” service.


Curating services take information and organize it for easier and more convenient consumption. We take information we read and hear throughout our day, internally organizing it and sharing it, when appropriate, in a refined form to others we know might be interested. That is really all curating is.

Just as a museum curator organizes artworks to improve the experience, curation services can improve how you consume content from social networks and the Internet.

The Tweeted Times

An an example, The Tweeted Times uses access to your Twitter account to combine tweets and links of people you follow into an attractive online paper that is updated hourly. If a linked story is tweeted by more than one of your followed friends (or a friend of a friend), it is given a higher “grade” and placed higher in the list. 

Besides hosting your paper, The Tweeted Times also has curated posts from major newspapers and personalities. Using Twitter’s list feature, a curated collection people can subscribe to tweets by list members in groups diverse as “Journalists Unplugged” or .”no-blab-just-design-links.”

While The Tweet Times’ approach lets you aggregate your Twitter easily, it isn’t very customizable, especially if your goal is to share your resulting paper with others. You have to make sure you are following the right people for your audience.

If you would like more flexibility in the look, feel, and content makeup of your papers, should be something to consider. Like The Tweeted Times, it can pull content from your Twitter account, but it also will do so from Facebook, RSS feeds, YouTube Channels, and Google+. can also filter each source, delete or move resulting articles and have more control over the paper publishing process. There is a professional version of the service that might be attractive to businesses who wish to use the paper as an information and promotional tool.

If you are less interested in aggregating the online content for yourself and more interested in hands-on curation of content for others,, might be the tool that interests you.

Besides your accounts and searches of’s database of links, you can add a “bookmarklet” to your web browser to pull in articles you’ve found on your own. Regardless of the source you are limited to 5 “scoops” a day unless you chose their Pro upgrade.


For my purposes,, and The Tweeted Times do a good job with less effort than provides me the extra control for tweaking content.

You are free to browse my papers, Legacyworks Tech Review ( and Boston LegacyWorks (The Twitter Times) and, of course, try out building a paper yourself. Though both papers are free, they require using sign on through Twitter (and Facebook in the case of

Twitter and Facebook manage their own account access, not these curation services. That means you can revoke access at any time through Twitter’s Applications section in Settings or Facebook’s Apps Settings once you are signed in.

Even if you don’t chose to create your own paper, browse the papers available on all three of these sites. You may find an interesting area to explore or an unexpected news source.

Do you have a follow up on this topic or technical question on that needs to be answered or explored? Please share it with me at Your question may show up here on Tech Talk.

Shorewood results from state tennis tournament

Shorewood state tennis players with Coach Arnie Moreno

Shorewood was well represented by its state tennis team this weekend at Kamiakin High school and Tri-City Court Club in Kennewick, Washington.

The doubles team of junior Cameron McDowell and senior Stuart Schachle won their first round match versus North Thurston and lost two very tough matches against Lakeside and Columbia River high schools.

Senior Daniella Brengelmann also won her first round match defeating an opponent from Columbia River High School and lost two matches versus Lakeside and Shadle Park high schools.

Their second losses were both three set matches to eventual top eight placers. Cameron, Stuart and Daniella finished in the top ten players and doubles teams in the state.

Death Notices as of May 21, 2014

Obituaries are condensed biographies of people's lives, written by the people who loved them. Like a memorial service, they tell us things we may not have known about the person, and may leave us wishing we had known them better.

William "Bill" Gary Pederson  aged 60  Shoreline resident loved life, golfing, sailing, and enjoying good food and wine. A custom builder, he built customer homes for over 30 years. Donations to He Is Greater for people dealing with cancer.

Cynthia Bautista Condes  1953-2014  Shoreline woman "loved spending time with her large extended family and rescuing and caring for animals. She always found joy in helping others." Donations to Seattle Humane Society. Burial at Holyrood and reception at Innis Arden Clubhouse.

Stanley Morgan Graves 1927-2014  "He was an avid skier into his 80's; other interests included tennis, hiking, cooking and traveling. Stan loved sailing and was passionate about football - a Seahawks season ticket holder from the beginning of the franchise."  He enjoyed the arts, writing poetry, painting and was always singing. Services held at LFP Civic Club. Donations to Shoreline Rotary.

David William Cook  1941-2014  An avid boater, Dave and his family spent summers in the Canadian Gulf Islands. "Dave was an active amateur radio operator for 20 years, as a member of the Seattle Auxiliary Communications Services and the Puget Sound Repeater Group." Services at Calvin Presbyterian Church.

Shirley Jo Lange  Born and raised in Shoreline, graduating from Shoreline High School in 1976.

Laura Elwell Castellow  1925-2014  Ran the Shoreline School District Ski School. See obituary.

Darel F. Gore  1926-2014  Lived in Shoreline for 48 years. Retired Federal Reserve Banker. A veteran, he served in the US MarineCorp for 27 years, completed two tours in Vietnam, and retired MGYSgt in 1973.

Marie J. "Pinkey" Gauntt  1938-2014  Funeral mass at St. Luke Catholic Church in Shoreline.

Gregory Alan Davis  1957-2014  Fished in Alaska, then worked award-winning construction projects. Harley rider. Attended Shoreline High School.

Margaret Jane Duncan  1952-2014  Grew up in Richmond Beach; 1970 graduate of Shoreline High School. Worked in real estate and as manager for Public Storage Co. Dog trainer who showed Samoyeds and Portuguese Water breeds.

Yukie Onishi  1937-2014  Shoreline resident "visited countries all over Europe and the world, including Fiji and New Zealand."

Gloria Dell Ginniver  1932-2014  Raised her family in Shoreline for 28 years, then built a dream home in Edmonds. Sales career with General Mills, Recycled Paper, and in real estate. Volunteer for Ryther Center.

Bertha Taylor Lincoln  1921-2014  Retired teacher, Shoreline Schools.

Ruth I. (Rawlings) O'Neill  1917-2014  Died in Shoreline.

Jeannette M. Murphy  1919-2014  Grew up in Canada and earned her RN degree there. Raised her family in Lake Forest Park.

Mary Ann Hill  1918-2014  World traveler, she and her husband were active at the Shoreline Senior Center.

William Henry "Bill" Abel  1923-2014  Lake Forest Park resident died a few days before his 91st birthday. Navy veteran. Retired after 40 years with Rand McNally and joined the Seattle Banjo Band. 

The goats are back in town

Goat on steep hillside
Photo by Kirstie

Photographer Kirstie saw the goats Friday on a very steep hillside at the SW corner of Dayton and 185th/Richmond Beach Road. Dave, who was overseeing them, showed her the huge section they'd already eaten down. They didn't mind having a stranger nearby -- they are used to people, Dave said -- and just kept on chewing the weeds.

Goats at work in Shoreline
Photo by Kirstie

The goats are from Earthcraft Services. The team of goats will be stationed at various public locations throughout the Shoreline community through October.

Ed Portnow of Earthcraft says, "In the past the animals become part of the community and we greatly appreciate having people keeping an eye out for their safety."

A short three minute video about the service, filmed in Shoreline, is available to view at the Earthcraft Services webpage and Facebook page.

Shorewood plays for third place in State 3A soccer tournament Saturday after shoot-out loss in Friday semifinal

The Shorewood boys’ soccer team plays for third place in the State 3A tournament Saturday after a 2-1 shoot-out loss to Lakeside Friday at Sparks Stadium in Puyallup.

Shorewood takes a 14-4-4 season record into the third place game against Sunnyside at 10 a.m. Saturday at Sparks Stadium.

The game will be followed by the 4A third-place game between Kentwood and Skyview at noon, the 3A championship game between Lakeside and Mercer Island at 2 p.m. and the 4A championship game between Ferris of Spokane and Snohomish at 5 p.m.

In the loss to Lakeside, Anthony Pepe scored Shorewood’s only goal. After the two teams tied 1-1, Lakeside won in a shootout.

Our news partner, the Seattle Times said this about the Bonney Lake game:
Shorewood built an early 3-0 lead but gave up six walks, three hits and an error in the second inning to help Bonney Lake score 10 runs against three pitchers. 
Bonney Lake (16-10) had only seven hits in the game, but took advantage of seven Shorewood walks. 
Cory Burill started and went four innings with four strikeouts while allowing only two hits to pick up the win for Bonney Lake. Taylor Graham came on in relief and allowed only one hit with three strikeouts in the final three innings. 
Shorewood hadn’t given up more than five runs in any single game this season, will play Mount Spokane (20-6) for third place.

Updated 05-31-2014 10:32pm

Shorewood loses in State 3A baseball semifinal Friday in Pasco after two wins in Centralia

The Shorewood baseball team lost 12-3 to Bonney Lake in a State 3A semifinal game in Pasco Friday after winning two regional games in Centralia Saturday, May 24.

Shorewood now takes a 23-4 overall record into a Saturday game for third place against Mt. Spokane Saturday May 31. Mt. Spokane lost, 4-3, to O’Dea of Seattle in the other Friday semifinal game.

The semifinal winners advance to the Saturday 7 p.m. championship game and the losers play for third place at 1 p.m. Saturday. The games are at Gesa Stadium in Pasco.

In regional play in Centralia, Sam Boone improved his season pitching record to 7-1 in a 2-0 victory over Mt. Si, and Ian Oxnevad improved to 6-1 in a 1-0 victory over Bainbridge.

Boone’s record dropped to 7-2 in the 12-3 Friday semifinal loss to Bonney Lake.

Wheeler Field, Centralia, Saturday, May 24

State 3A first round

Shorewood -- 200 000 0 — 2 5 1
Mount Si ---- 000 000 0 — 0 4 1
Shorewood battery-- Sam Boone and Jacob Bockelie. 2B—Spencer Jacobs (SW), Harrison Jacobs (SW), Avery Foltz (SW).

State 3A quarterfinal

Bainbridge -- 000 000 0 — 0 4 2
Shorewood -- 100 000 0 — 1 6 1

Shorewood battery-- Ian Oxnevad and Jacob Bockelie. 2B—Bockelie (SW).

Free event at Saltwater Park Saturday

The Shoreline Youth Ambassadors is holding an free event for the community down at the Richmond Beach Saltwater Park, Lower Picnic area, for anyone. Sports - music - free food!

Saturday, May 31, 2014, 3-6pm 

They will hand out a raffle ticket for each canned item donated for Food Lifeline in Shoreline.

Two men convicted of copper heist

Mike Harbour, Deputy CEO
Sound Transit

It has been two years since the theft of more than four miles of copper cable from part of Sound Transit's Link elevated guideway. Last week, two men were convicted of stealing the wire.

The two gained access to the hollow interior of the elevated light rail guideway and used bolt cutters to cut the copper cable. The theft took place between November 2010 and August 2011.

The copper cable, which has been replaced, is used to isolate any stray current from train operations and direct it to the ground. There was no safety threat to light rail passengers.

New security measures are in place to prevent any such thefts from happening again.

Neighborhoods, USA names Parkwood Neighborhood 2014 Neighborhood of the Year Second Place

Friday, May 30, 2014

Parkwood board members accept award at NUSA conference

Neighborhoods, USA named Parkwood Neighborhood Association in Shoreline as 2014 Neighborhood of the Year Second Place Winner at its luncheon held May 23 at the 39th annual NUSA conference in Eugene, Oregon.

Parkwood Neighborhood Association (PNA) won the award in the Social Revitalization category for creating a neighborhood "dream team" Board over the last year. The group, made up primarily of young professionals who are moving their families into Parkwood, has a unique combination of skills that make it a nimble, productive team.

In one short year the group hosted three large neighborhood social events; surveyed neighborhood residents about their interests; established bylaws, goals and a work plan; invited speakers to address neighborhood issues of crime prevention, surface water and local park management; helped establish a citizen's group for light rail station area planning; sent a newsletter to all residents; and established a website, Facebook page, and email list for communication to the neighborhood.

Parkwood Neighborhood Association is one of 14 established neighborhoods in the City of Shoreline. To learn more about Shoreline's Neighborhoods Program, contact Neighborhood Coordinators Nora Smith at 206-801-2253 or Rosie O'Brien-Ochs at 206-801-2256.

Parkwood boundaries are Aurora Avenue (west), Interstate 5 (east), N 160th St (north), and N 145th St (south). 

Executive Constantine on Steve Ballmer’s agreement for purchase of L.A. Clippers

Statement from King County Executive Dow Constantine

"Congratulations to Steve Ballmer on his successful bid for the Los Angeles Clippers. 
"Here in King County, the resolute work by investor Chris Hansen to build an arena started well before Mr. Ballmer was involved, and it will continue after. We will keep working to bring back our Sonics and bring the excitement of NHL hockey to our region."

State fire fatality numbers down in 2013

The annual Fire Fatality Report for 2013 is now available on the web. With over 91% of the fire fatalities occurring in residential occupancies, being prepared and knowing what to do in the event of a fire can save lives. 

“We want to raise awareness about the danger of fire and the frequency of home fire deaths,” says State Fire Marshal Chuck Duffy. “How we and our communities fare in a fire emergency depends heavily on the planning and preparation that we put into practice.” 

For the second year in a row, Washington State has continued to see a decrease in fire related fatalities, with a total of fifty-four fatalities reported in 2013. 

The data used for this report was received from fire and law enforcement agencies throughout Washington State. It was then collected into a centralized database for analysis and report development in accordance with Revised Code of Washington 43.44.060.
The Office of the State Fire Marshal is a Bureau of the Washington State Patrol, providing fire and life safety services to the citizens of Washington State including inspections of state licensed facilities, plan review of school construction projects, licensing of fire sprinkler contractors and pyrotechnic operators, training Washington State’s firefighters, and collecting emergency response data.

SCC student receives theater scholarship from Driftwood Players

It is that time again when college bound high school graduates and current college students beat the streets in search of those scholarships to help them meet the increasing cost of college education.

The Edmonds Driftwood Players has awarded seven such scholarships to local youth who have chosen to study theater arts, including Anne Arnhold, a student at Shoreline Community College.

“I continually load her with responsibilities in each production, and sometimes wonder if I’ve expected too much of one person; however, Anne consistently rises above my expectations and oftentimes does much more.”   By Dr. Charles Enlow, Music Department 

Each recipient will receive a $500 award. In addition to Arnhold, the winners were:
  • Patrick Olsen - Inglemoor High School
  • Darian Clogston - Kamiak High School
  • Sydney Langlie - Meadowdale High School
  • Casey Johnson-Pasqua - Edmonds Woodway High School
  • Brenna Stratton - Santa Fe University of Art and Design
  • Marissa Wyll - Western Washington University

Choir concert at Shoreline Covenant Sunday evening

"Called Out," the  church choir of the Shoreline Covenant Church, 1330 N 185th St, Shoreline 98133, will present a concert of religious songs this Sunday, June 1, at 6pm.

The public is invited.

Man exposes himself to SCC students

Two Shoreline Community College students have reported seeing a man exposing himself multiple times since April.

The two female students told school officials that the man was an approximately 40-year-old white male with blond curly hair and driving a white Ford van with a white rack on the roof.

On two occasions, the man was naked from the waist down and exposed himself by opening the door to the van while parked as the students walked by. One incident was in a parking lot in along the east side of Aurora Ave N in the 15200 block. A second incident occurred in a parking lot along N 160th Ave near the Aurora Square shopping mall, the students reported. In both cases, the man beckoned the students to come to the van, the students said.

According to the students, they saw the man in the van on a third occasion, again along N 160th Ave near the Aurora Square shopping mall. In that incident, the students turned and walked the opposite direction and the van drove away.

The first incident was in early April and the most recent in mid-May, but were only reported to school officials on May 29. College officials worked with the students to report the incidents to Shoreline Police.

Anyone with information about these incidents or anyone who has encountered this man can call the KCSO police non-emergency dispatch number at 206-296-3311. The city of Shoreline contracts with the Sheriff’s Office for police and dispatch services.

Police and college safety officials remind everyone to be aware of their surroundings, never approach a strange vehicle and always report emergencies by calling 911.

Updated 05-31-2014 4:28pm

Shoreline students take their art where the jobs are

Nicholas Beerman (center, right) and other
Shoreline Community College VCT students are taking
their work to a Seattle gallery to show prospective employers.

A/NT Gallery 2045 Westlake Ave, Seattle, Wash. 98122, Thursday, June 5, 3-9pm

By Jim Hills, Shoreline Community College

A final step for many students before graduation is displaying what they’ve learned. Sometimes that’s a final exam, sometimes a portfolio of work or a culminating project that is then reviewed, usually by instructors.

A group of visual arts students at Shoreline Community College are no different, except they’ve decided to turn a requirement into an opportunity to take their work and themselves to the next step – employers.

“We wanted to show the firms in Seattle and the region just what we can do,” said Nicholas Beerman who is the lead organizer of the effort. “But we knew it can be difficult to get in the door or ask those people to come to campus so we decided we’ll take our work where they are and put on a show.”

The plan hatched by Beerman and other members of the Visual Communications Technology Club at the college is called the Shoreline Portfolio Show. The club has rented the A/NT Gallery in Seattle’s Belltown district and is inviting regional industry professionals and businesses to a showcase of work by Shoreline design students.

The big event is on from 3-9 p.m., Thursday, June 5, at the gallery at 2045 Westlake Ave, Seattle, Wash. 98121.

“We wanted to make it easy for people from the downtown firms to come see the show in the afternoon and after they get off work,” Beerman said.

This show’s theme is “CMYK Design Circus.” Every aspect of the show was planned and designed by Shoreline students including the show’s website, invitations, poster, mailer and program brochure.

Students also recruited participant, found and secured the gallery, procured refreshments, decorations, table rentals and music. Department faculty and staff, student government and college administrators also provided support.

The event is the first of its kind that takes place off-campus, and Beerman hopes it will serve as a bellwether for future portfolio shows.

“This event could not happen without everyone’s support here at Shoreline,” he said. “I hope that it will continue as a major event for our club, design program and for the school.”

Event details are available here.

LFP City Council retreat Saturday morning

The Lake Forest Park City Council will hold a Retreat on Saturday, May 31, 2014, from 8am to 1pm at the Northshore Fire Department, 7720 NE 181st Street in Kenmore.

The agenda includes a discussion about economic development and communication.

Full agenda and links to documents here.

Kenmore schedules their free summer events

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The City of Kenmore along with dedicated sponsors and volunteers will bring the following events to Kenmore this summer.

Fourth of July Fireworks Show
Friday, July 4
Log Boom Park
NE 175th Street & 61st Avenue NE, Kenmore
Activities begin at 8:00pm with Fireworks Show at 10:00pm

Kenmore Summer Concert Series
Thursday Evenings
Saint Edward State Park
14445 Juanita Drive NE, Kenmore
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
*Washington State Parks Discover Pass is not required for concert attendees

Concert Schedule    
July 10             Hapa (+ Hula Dancer)                         “Hawaiian Luau”
July 17             Polyrhythmics                                      “Afro-beat grooves”
July 24             1939 Ensemble & McTuff                    Two bands, twice the Jazz
July 31             Cahalen Morrison & Eli West              “Old-timey good times”
Aug 7               Miss Tess & the Talkbacks                 “Saloon swing”
Aug 14             Big Sandy & His Fly-Rite Boys            “Country boogie”        

Kenmore Play Day
Saturday, August 9
Rhododendron Park
6910 NE 170th Street, Kenmore
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Enjoy a large variety of play activities and educational booths. 

2014 Community Events Sponsors: Banner Bank, Bastyr University, Republic Services, Bow Wow Fun Towne, Northshore Utility District, Puget Sound Energy, Snapdoodle Toys, Windermere Real Estate (Seattle-Northgate), and Frank Lumber. Thank you also to our dedicated Kenmore Events Team of volunteers who help the City produce these events each year.

For events details, visit their website.

Three Million Stair Challenge begins June 1

Councilmember Doris McConnell
climbs the stairs in the 2013 challenge
Photo by Keith McGlashan
The City of Shoreline is laying down its toughest challenge yet, inviting community members to climb the stairs at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park with the collective goal of reaching three million stairs during the month of June.

The park is home to a bank of 188 stairs that rise over 85ft. of elevation gain. In 2012, Parks and Recreation Director Dick Deal set the first Stair Challenge at one million stairs hoping to encourage more use of the park and its very large set of stairs. Since then the Shoreline community has continued to climb more and more stairs inspiring each other and raising the bar for future challenges.

One particular resident, Kinin Taylor, was so inspired by the challenge that she decided to set on a quest to climb her own million stairs this past year. She started her journey to a million every morning after long shift working nights as a nurse.

The idea of completing one million steps seemed impossible, but she continued to set small goals celebrating each along the way. After a year of climbing she completed her goal in April of this year. Kinin is still climbing the stairs and will be competing in the challenge again this year setting a new goal for herself. She attributes her success to staying consistent in her routine and encourages other climbers to find ways to make their routine fun.

The Three Million Stair Challenge starts on June 1st this year and runs through the end of the month.  The community is invited to come to an opening kick-off event on Sunday, June 1st at 10:00 a.m. Fitness sponsor Run 2 Be Fit will be on site presenting some fun challenges and prizes.

More details on the Three Million Stair Challenge, including prizes and more instructions can be found on the website or by contacting Recreation Coordinator Courtney Brown 206-801-2635.

Vacation Bible Camp at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church

Vacation Bible Camp at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
722 N 145th St, Shoreline 98133 

Join us July 7-11, 9am - Noon for this playful work and serious play! This is an opportunity for children to learn about God, share fun and laughter through music, story, art and play.

There is a $25 fee for the camp and scholarships are available.

Go to the St. Dunstan’s website for registration information or contact Mary E Pacher, Director of Christian Education, 206-363-4319. 

Weekend events that could impact your travel plans

Whether you see this as a list of things to do, or obstructions to get around, here's a list of weekend events in Seattle from Harmony at WSDOT

Before you head out to a pal’s BBQ, the long awaited bridal shower or wherever your plans take you, be sure to consider several events that could slow you down and plan ahead.

Thursday, May 29 
  • Mariners vs. Los Angeles Angels, 7:10 p.m., Safeco Field. 
Friday, May 30 
  • Mariners vs. Detroit Tigers, 7:10 p.m., Safeco Field. 
  • Lionel Richie and CeeLo Green, KeyArena, 7:30 p.m. 
Saturday, May 31 
  • Sounders vs. Real Salt Lake, 1 p.m., CenturyLink Field. 
  • Mariners vs. Detroit Tigers, 7:10 p.m., Safeco Field. 
  • James Taylor and His All Star Band, KeyArena, 8 p.m. 
Sunday, June 1
  • Mariners vs. Detroit Tigers, 1:10 p.m., Safeco Field.

Shorecrest, Shorewood Qualifiers for State 3A boys’ track championships

Shorecrest, Shorewood Qualifiers for State 3A boys’ track championships, Tacoma, Thursday-Saturday, May 29-31.
  • 200 meters— Will McNamara, Shorecrest.
  • 400—Will McNamara, Shorecrest.
  • 800-- Devan Kirk, Shorewood
  • 1600—Omar Abdulla, Shorecrest,
  • 3200— Omar Abdulla, Shorecrest; Keenan Stephens, Shorewood.
  • 110 hurdles—Chris Diaz, Shorewood,
  • High jump—Jonah Hoverson, Shorewood; Aubry Victor, Shorecrest.
  • Shot— Justus Blair, Shorewood.
  • Javelin -- Taz Frazier, Shorewood. 

Shorecrest, Shorewood Qualifiers for State 3A girls’ championships

Shorecrest, Shorewood Qualifiers for State 3A girls’ championships, Tacoma, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 29-31:
  • 100m— Wurrie Njadoe, Shorecrest.
  • 100 hurdles— Sophia Viviano, Shorecrest.
  • 300 hurdles— Sophia Viviano, Shorecrest.
  • 4x200  — Shorecrest.
  • High jump— Wurrie Njadoe, Shorecrest
  • Discus— Onyie Chibuogwu, Shorecrest.
  • Javelin—Aiko Mizumori-Canfield, Shorecrest; Katherine Taylor Shorecrest.

Ballinger Neighborhood meets on Monday

Ballinger Neighborhood Association will meet on Monday, June 2, at 7:00pm at the LFP Montessori School gym, 19935 19th Ave NE.
They will welcome new board members, and select board officers. If you live or work in the Ballinger Neighborhood, come out to hear what is happening in the neighborhood. 

Upcoming activities include:
  • Outdoor movie night coming up soon
  • Helping with the Council of Neighborhoods booth at the Shoreline Farmers Market this summer
  • One of our new board members has some great ideas for Brugger's Bog Park beautification
  • And so much more!
Check out the website to learn all about the neighborhood.

Ballinger Neighborhood

Lake Forest Park Rotary awards scholarships to four Shorecrest students

Left to right: Rotary President, Sally Renn, with recipients
Sophie Knudson, Selina Deiparine, Remy Dang, and Margo Coxon

On Wednesday, May 28, the Rotary Club of Lake Forest Park honored each of four Senior students with a $1000 scholarship check for academic excellence in honors and advanced placement classes. 

They were involved in many activities during their four years at Shorecrest High School in school, in the community, Girl Scouts, and with personal projects, locally and globally.

Three were members of the Lake Forest Park Youth Council, one as a Youth Court judge, and all of them in the National Honor Society, tutoring, music, sports, and a variety of other community and global projects as leaders. They have earned many awards and honors for their good works. Their accompanying essays were well written to express what "Service Above Self" means to them. Each girl also gave a short speech to answer a question presented by Ed Pearson to tell personal, unique things about themselves.

During the ceremony, attended by family members, LFP Rotary members, and Stan Miner, former District 5030 Assistant Governor, the recipients received their check with a folder containing information about future Rotary opportunities. The University of Washington, Gonzaga, Willamette University, Oregon, and Northwestern University of Illinois, will find them ready and eager to continue their learning in the Fall.

Members of the Scholarship Committee were Marjorie Ando, Ed Pearson, and James Rohrback.

"Get digital" with King County pet licenses in trial program

Pilot program with PetHub provides tags that can be scanned with mobile devices

For a limited time, Regional Animal Services of King County (RASKC) is offering a new type of pet license tag in partnership with PetHub. The license is printed with a QR (Quick Response) code that can be scanned with a smartphone or other mobile device to retrieve the animal's online profile. This can help stray pets and their owners get reunited much sooner.

"A license is an inexpensive way to provide peace of mind if your pet ever gets lost, and a digital pet license provides an additional level of protection," said RASKC Manager Dr. Gene Mueller. "Ninety-six percent of animals returned through PetHub are home in less than a day, before they even enter a shelter."

Tom Arnold, Founder of, said, "Our goal is to get a lost dog or cat home before it can become injured through fights with other animals, taken in by strangers thinking the pet is homeless, or enter a shelter."

Digital pet licenses are the same price as the standard RASKC license: $30 a year for spayed or neutered cats and dogs, or $60 a year for unaltered pets. Digital licenses are only available for purchase online or by calling 206-296-2712.

500 PetHub digital license tags have been set aside for this trial program, and the offer will end when supplies run out. Only cats and dogs living in the RASKC service area (including Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, Kenmore) are eligible for this special offer. At the end of this trial program, RASKC and PetHub will evaluate the response from pet owners to see if digital license tags will become a permanent offering in King County.

PetHub's system links the physical ID tag to an animal's online profile that can be safely accessed by anyone with a mobile device, whether a smartphone or standard cellular phone. That profile can be updated free of charge at PetHub to allow the owner to list emergency contact information, including that of anyone who helps care for the animal, such as spouses, pet sitters, veterinarians, and other family and friends. Optional upgrades include "found pet" alerts, GPS notifications, and a way to broadcast a missing pet's profile to local shelters and businesses.

For more information on digital pet licenses and eligible areas in King County, visit PetHub. For more information about Regional Animal Services, log on to King County pets

Historic planes to conduct trial "Fly Over" Lake Forest Park

Historic planes from the Historic Flight Foundation are scheduled to conduct a trial “fly over” Lake Forest Park on Friday and Saturday, May 30 and 31, in preparation for a 70th anniversary of D-Day. 

On Friday, June 6, 2014, Lake Forest Park citizens can gather at Horizon View Park to remember D-Day and view historic planes flying over the City, tentatively scheduled between 12:20 and 1:00pm. The specific hour has not yet been confirmed.

Historic Flight Foundation at Paine Field will be launching a “Diamond Four” formation of rare P-51 Mustangs to honor the 70th anniversary of D-Day. In addition to the P-51B “Impatient Virgin,” a veteran of four sorties over the Normandy beaches on June 6, 1944, the formation will include P-51D “Val-Halla” from Heritage Flight Museum, P-51D “Upupa Epops” from Flying Heritage Collection, and P-51D “Hell-er-Bust” from Boise, Idaho.

For more information, see this link (great sound effects!)

The Shoreline Shorts at the college June 4,5, 6,7

All seats $5, no one under 14, for this collection of student-written, produced, and acted short plays.
June 4, 5, 6, 7, 7:30pm at the campus theater. Small fee for parking on campus.

Man hit by train in Richmond Beach

Our news partner, The Seattle Times, reports that a young man was hit by a Burlington Northern train in Richmond Beach at 3:30am today, May 29, 2014. 

Reportedly, he was lying by the tracks on BN property. The train went into emergency braking mode but was unable to stop in time.

He was airlifted to Harborview but his condition is unknown at this time.

Shoreline music students qualify for state competition

Top music students from Shorecrest and Shorewood High Schools competed in the WMEA State Solo and Ensemble Contest, presented in Ellensburg.

To compete at the state level, these high school students first had to win the highest rating in the competitive Sno-King District.

There are 29 solo categories, including seven woodwind categories, five brass, four percussion, four strings, six vocal, piano, guitar and harp.

The ensemble contest includes "small" and "large" ensembles in seven categories: woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings, women's vocal, men's vocal and mixed vocal.

A large number of Shoreline music students qualified to compete at the state level.

In the solo category, all from Shorecrest High School:
  • Eleanor Legault, violin
  • Adam Weiss, viola
  • Noah Ziegenhagel, cello
  • Christopher Son Richardson, piano
  • Julia Houser, trombone
  • Molly Kercheval (euphonium/baritone horn)
In the ensemble category:

From Shorecrest High School:
  • "The Aestheticians" String Quartet--small ensemble, string category 
    • Eleanor Legault, violin
    • Maeve McIver-Sheridan, violin
    • Adam Weiss, viola
    • Noah Ziegenhagel, cello
From Shorewood High School:
  • Chamber Ensemble--large ensemble, string category

Swing at Third Place Commons Saturday

Portage Bay Big Band
Swinging for over 25 years!
Photo by Matt Mason

Swing with Portage Bay Big Band at Third Place Commons on Saturday, May 31, from 7:30-9:30pm.

Lake Forest Park Town Center, upper level, corner of Ballinger Way and Bothell Way in Lake Forest Park.

Free event.

Bestselling author at Third Place Books Saturday

The New York Times bestselling author Richelle Mead returns with the second installment in her acclaimed Age of X series. Mead lives in Seattle where she works on her three series full-time: Georgina Kincaid, Dark Swan, and Vampire Academy.

Richelle Mead presents The Immortal Crown: An Age of X Novel (Dutton Books), Saturday, May 31 at 6:30pm at Third Place Books on the upper level of the Lake Forest Park Town Center at the intersection of Ballinger Way and Bothell Way.

Start to Fitness at Shoreline Library Thursday evening

New Ideas about Physical Activity and Weight Management Success - Thursday, May 29, 7pm

Learn the three phases of weight management and outline specific new guidelines for types of physical activity that lead to success for each phase. Presenter Dr. Alexandra Kazaks is a faculty member in the Bastyr University Nutrition and Exercise Science department and is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine.

If you’re resolved to begin a more active, healthy lifestyle, it’s easy to get started at your library. Throughout 2014, find ideas, inspiration and tips on simple ways to add more movement and healthy options to your life through the new adult series, Start to Fitness.

Shoreline Library, 345 NE 175th St, Shoreline 98155
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