
Friday, April 4, 2014

WeatherWatcher: February and March in Review

  • February Review
  • March Review
February Review: The upper level ridge started breaking down for good in February, ending with a cold snap and little snow at the beginning of the month. By about the 11th the barometric pressure averaged down closer to normal from its 30.00inHg down to around 29.00 - 29.40inHg. With it came the return of the daily rainfall amounts that we normally see in November, December and January. In actuality, we had much more rain than normal making up for the lack of weather we had the previous three months.

Data points and graphs from February at the Shoreline weather station:

Total rainfall: 4.07 inches
Total accumulated snowfall: 2.5" (Single event, Saturday night/Sunday Morning Feb. 8th/9th)
Low temperature: 14.9°F (Thursday February 6th)
High temperature: 54.0°F (Wednesday February 26th)

February 2014
by Carl Dinse

February 2014
By Carl Dinse

Daily Rainfall for February 2014
by Carl Dinse

Daily Average Dew Point February 2014
By Carl Dinse
March Review: March continued our new rain-soaked trend with a record setting rainfall of 9.44 inches at Sea-Tac Airport, breaking the old record of 8.40 inches in 1950. To compare, Sea-Tac's wettest month ever recorded was November 2006, with 15.63 inches. Wettest February ever recorded was 9.11 inches, 1961. Now keep in mind these records are in Sea-Tac, which wasn't effected as much by the Olympic Mountain rain shadow as we are. Our total rainfall for March, still impressive at 7.86 inches. Interestingly enough, and perhaps a possible contributor to a trigger to the OSO landslide, the morning of March 22nd was the only day in March that dipped below freezing at 30.4°F. Typically it could have been even colder out in the mountain river valleys of the region. Outside of March 22nd, we've had a fairly mild March temperature wise, without any cold snaps or snow events. We had one day almost reach 70°F, Monday March 24th, at 68.4°F.

Graphs for March 2014, from the Shoreline weather station.

March 2014
By Carl Dinse
March 2014
By Carl Dinse
Daily Rainfall for March 2014
by Carl Dinse
Daily Dew Point Average March 2014
by Carl Dinse
All graphs and data unless otherwise noted are sourced from my own personal weather station located in Northeast Shoreline, Washington. For current weather conditions and historic data, check out my weather stations page.

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