
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Track Workout Wednesday at Kings High School Track

Track workout Wednesday night, April 2, 6:15pm, Kings High School Track, 19303 Fremont Ave N, Seattle, WA 98133.

If you have not come out to our track workouts, or have never done track before, we really encourage you to try it out - you'll be surprised how running on a track is really different, not necessarily harder and clearly improves one's running. It is also fun and social as we all get to participate together for the hour.

We will start promptly at 6:15pm and end at 7:15pm so get there earlier to run a few warm-up laps and stretch. Our goal is generally 3-5 miles of running depending on the week, less towards the beginning, increasing as our training improves. We will generally be at Kings Track, but occasionally the track is busy and we will switch over to Einstein Junior High track in a pinch and will send out word via Facebook and email if there is a change.

We look forward to seeing you all out! Bring your kids of all ages as they can participate or just play on the track and are a welcome addition to the group.

Come out and support the group and run fast!

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