Shoreline City Manager's Report

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Council Meetings

·         March 31:

·         Dinner Meeting: Council heard from local developers about the development climate here in Shoreline.  Here are some key outcomes from that meeting:

o   Tell the Shoreline story
  • To investors and developers (ease of permitting, Aurora frontage improvements, SEPA threshold, no impact fees, etc.)
  • To young families (schools, affordability, progressiveness, neighborhoods, etc.)
o   Enhance Shoreline
  • Make Aurora Square a destination (dining, entertainment, walkability, etc.)
  • Create jobs
  • Build on our progressiveness (green building, artists and trendsetters, etc.)
  • Intrigue developers/investors (utility consolidation, incentives, codes, national press, etc.)
·         Business Meeting:

o   Resolution No. 356 Supporting King County Transportation District Proposition No. 1 – Sales and Use Tax and Vehicle Fee for Transportation Improvements: Council adopted a resolution supporting Proposition 1 that will be on the April 22 ballot.

o   Discussion of Extra-Help Policies: Council discussed how the City uses extra-help employees and staff’s recommendation to use regular employees to do to provide ongoing services. This will be further examined during the 2015 budget process.

·         April 7:

o   Dinner Meeting: Chris Mefford of Community Attributes will provide a broad-based perspective of the economic and demographic forces affecting the entire Puget Sound region. It is hoped that an understanding of the macro setting of our region will enable us to think more clearly on how Shoreline can take advantage of its unique location and strengths.

o   Business Meeting:

§  2015-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Public Hearing and Discussion - The six-year TIP includes transportation projects, such as road and bridge work as well as new or enhanced bicycle or pedestrian facilities. In addition to local projects, the TIP should also identify projects and programs of regional significance for inclusion in the regional TIP. The City’s TIP is used to secure federal funding for transportation projects as part of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP).

§  Transit Service Integration Workplan (TSIP) - Through development of the TSIP, the City will identify policies addressing future transit needs throughout Shoreline once light rail service begins (2023) and as the city’s population and employment bases grow.

Council Annual Strategic Planning Meeting – April 11/12

The City Council will be holding their Annual Strategic Planning meeting at Shoreline City Hall, April 11-12.  As part of the annual planning meeting, Council will be taking a tour of Shoreline. The goal of the tour is for Council to see a variety of housing options, see some of the key economic development projects (CRA, Shoreline Community College) and some key sites of the future 185th light rail station.

Point Wells Update
  • Thursday, April 3, staff hosted an Open House at the Richmond Beach Library from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. to try to get additional feedback on design options for Richmond Beach Drive (Segment A). This was an additional outreach effort to get feedback from residents located in this area.
  • Monday, April 14. We have added a Point Wells Transportation Corridor Study update to the Council Business Meeting agenda. This will be an opportunity for staff to brief Council on the design options under consideration prior to the final TCS workshop scheduled for April 16.
Growing Transit Communities

The Council last discussed and provided PSRC with feedback on the draft Growing Transit Communities Strategy and the Regional Compact in May 2013. The Growing Transit Communities Partnership adopted the Growing Transit Communities Strategy and invited agencies such as Shoreline to be implementation partners by signing the Regional Compact in October 2013. By signing the Regional Compact, Shoreline would commit to working toward the implementation of the goals and strategies as approved by the Growing Transit Communities Partnership. This could be accomplished by updating local long range plans and strategies; utilizing the GTC strategies as we plan for the 185th and 145th light rail station subarea plans; and linking as appropriate GTC goals and strategies into City Council goals, action steps and city work plans. In addition to expressing local support of the regional effort and utilizing the tools and concepts developed by the GTC Partnership, by signing the Compact there may, now or in the future, be funding for implementation of GTC strategies linked to signing the Regional Compact.

Aurora and North City Light Pole Replacements

The City received a settlement for replacement of light poles in North City as a result of failing paint on the poles. We are expecting that the replacements may start in late April and be complete in May/June. Last week we received the final settlement check for replacement of defective pole in mile 1 of Aurora. This allowed us to dismiss our lawsuit. It also allowed a notice to proceed with the work under a contract we had negotiated. The agreement provides for replacement of the poles at no cost to the City along with $60,000 for a risk fund for future failures.

Home Improvement Event Update (March 26)

Last Wednesday night we had 25 appointments and about three drop-ins for our Home Improvement Workshop. Resident brought their home improvement ideas and plans to City staff to review and answer questions. Six consultant tables were also available for anyone to stop by and ask questions. Consultants included: an improvement loan credit union, Home Depot, a residential designer, a gardener from Kruckenberg Gardens, our Soak-it-Up mini-grant program, and energy audit service. We have the April 30 workshop halfway filled already.


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