Over 200 people devoured good books at the Edible Book Festival

Monday, April 7, 2014

Joy Luck Club Sandwiches
What an Incredible Edible Book Festival!

Thank you to everyone who participated this year in the Edible Book Festival at Third Place Commons. It was truly amazing to see and taste the creativity that was shown there. Here is a link to the photos.

Brittle House on the Berry

If you did not come this year, you can see what you missed. We thank Bob Pfeiffer for the delectable photographs, Fred Wong for emceeing and Lorie Hoffman for having the apron screen printing station this year which added so much to the fun.

Rising Sons

We had 200 ballots for the People's Choice Award and we had to make more. What a crowd! It is not too early to start a list of your ideas for next year!

Thank you for taking pART!
Pam Thompson, Edible Book Festival Coordinator


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