One day we will eradicate malaria

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

If the Youth Council of Lake Forest Park has anything to say about it, malaria will be eradicated from the globe - one mosquito net at a time.

Mosquito nets save lives

Every 60 seconds a child dies of malaria, a completely preventable disease, so our mission is that "One Day We Will Eradicate Malaria". With the support of our community, last year we were able to send 648 insecticide treated mosquito nets and malaria prevention education. This year, our goal is to send 700+ nets to families in South Sudan refugee camps.

Last year, Sophie Knudson organized the first annual "One Day 5K" to help combat malaria in rural Africa as my Girl Scout Gold Award.

The race this year is being organized by the Lake Forest Park Youth Council, of which Sophie is president, and it is being held on April 13, 2014 at Kellogg Middle School, 16045 25th Ave NE, Shoreline. 

Registration is $30 until the day of race, when prices rise to $35. To register, you can either go to Third Place Books or Super Jock and Jill and pick up a brochure, OR you can go to their website and register online.

Contact the organization for more information.


Anonymous,  April 8, 2014 at 10:14 AM  

With no thanks to the patron saint of the environmental movement, Rachel Carson, and her hysterical Silent Spring.

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