Great Discussions 2014 coming to Shoreline Community College

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The United States may be in something of a “withdrawal” mode from world affairs, but it cannot detach itself from the world and according to a recent Pew Research Center poll most Americans do not want to, at least economically. America still affects the world and the world still affects America. For a discussion of these findings and their implications see the recent column by David Brooks. You can find the complete survey report at the PRC website.

To join discussions of eight critical global issues and America’s involvement, including China’s foreign policy, unrest in Turkey, U.S.-Israeli relations, energy independence, the impact of climate change on food supplies, the role of Islam in North African countries, defense technology, and U.S. trade policy, consider joining Great Discussions 2014 at Shoreline Community College that will meet Thursday evenings, 6:30-8:00pm, starting April 10.

Participants receive a paper on each topic in advance, as well as watch a short video and hear brief remarks at each meeting. Participation will be limited in order to encourage discussion. This is not a lecture series; we want to share views!

The cost is $35 to sign up for the series of eight discussions, or $8 to sign up for a single discussion. There are a few places remaining at the table, so, if you are interested, sign up quickly. You can send a check or sign up online at the SCC Foundation, where you can find complete details about topics, dates/time and venue.

For more information, contact Larry Fuell, Director of the Global Affairs Center at SCC.


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