Letters from America lead to genealogical research - and a novel

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014, 7:00 pm, Third Place Bookstore, 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park 

Claire Gebben received a fantastic surprise when her family in Germany discovered old letters in their attic – the earliest written in 1841. Who wrote these letters?

Claire's search for answers led her deep into genealogy research and family history, culminating in her work of historical fiction -- THE LAST OF THE BLACKSMITHS -- a tale of the disruption and dispersal of an immigrant family. Claire tells the story with historical vigor and beauty.

The Last of the Blacksmiths is historical fiction about a 19th century blacksmith who comes to America from the Bavarian Rhineland inspired by Cooper’s The Last of the Mohicans, dreaming of flourishing wilderness, freedom and prosperity, only to meet with indentured servitude, anti-immigrant bigotry, and civil war, and to devote his life to a livelihood that, ultimately, will vanish.

Claire will talk about ancestry and novel writing research as well as her book in her appearance at Third Place Books, 206-366-3333.

Free to the public.


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