Overflow audience speak out on creation of transportation benefit district

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

An overflow audience filled Sound Transit’s Ruth Fisher Boardroom on Tuesday, February 4, and spilled into the Great Hall of Union Station for a special meeting of the Metropolitan King County Council.

The public came to give testimony on the proposed legislation before the Council that would establish a transportation benefit district (TBD) that would have the authority to ask the voters to provide funding to maintain Metro Transit service and support the King County’s transportation infrastructure.

“The public’s voice is critical to helping the Council make a decision on whether to form a Transportation Benefit District to send a transportation funding measure to the ballot,” said Council Chair Larry Phillips. “I thank everyone who came out to testify and value their input.” 

Earlier that day, the Council’s Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee sent to the full Council for final action legislation that would create a Transportation Benefit District that could ask voters to approve a tax measure that would support existing Metro Transit bus service levels and fund the maintenance of local roads in King County. Also presented during the committee was a proposed motion expressing the Council’s support for a ballot measure for local transportation funding through a countywide TBD. 

In a special night meeting of the Council, members heard over two hours of testimony as more than 250 people came to give their comments on the TBD creation proposal. People also took this opportunity to voice their opinions on Metro service and the state of the county’s roads. 

“The meeting was an an excellent opportunity for me to listen to the public on this important piece of legislation,” said Councilmember Rod Dembowski, chair of the Council’s Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee. “We heard from a number of concerned citizens, and I look forward to hearing from more folks as we continue to consider this issue.”

The public can continue to provide written testimony online.


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