Fight Fraud! Common scams against seniors, and how to prevent them

Sunday, February 16, 2014

You have not won the Nigerian Lottery, your grandson is not in jail, and your friend did not lose her passport in a foreign country

On Tuesday, February 18th from 10:30 – 11:30am, Shoreline Officer Steve Perry will talk at the Senior Center about Cons, Scams, and Identity Theft. 

He will cover common scams, whether perpetrated over the phone, internet and in person, identity theft, and how to reduce your possibility of becoming a victim.

The Shoreline Lake Forest Park Senior Center is located in the southern-most building on the Shoreline Center campus, facing N 185th. Call 206-365-1536 for more information.


Anonymous,  March 1, 2014 at 4:19 PM  

Oops. I read the headline and thought this was another story about Point Wells. My bad.

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