Councilmember Hall is awarded an Advanced Certificate of Municipal Leadership

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Shoreline Councilmember
Will Hall
Shoreline City Councilmember Will Hall recently received an Advanced Certificate of Municipal Leadership (CML) from the Association of Washington Cities (AWC). Councilmember Hall completed over 60 hours of training credits to earn this distinction and demonstrated valuable service to the community.

The CML program recognizes mayors and councilmembers who continue to strive for excellence in serving their communities. To earn the certificate, officials attend a variety of AWC sponsored workshops focused on law, planning, budgeting, and community relations.

The program also challenges leaders to step beyond their current role as elected officials and enhance their professional development through additional community service. Examples of such community service include: board or committee positions with AWC or National League of Cities; board or committee chair positions with community organizations; service on statewide commissions, committees, councils or task forces; or leadership on projects such as fundraising efforts, campaigns, or major events.

Councilmember Hall serves on the Board of Directors and Legislative Committee of AWC and on the Ecosystem Coordination Board, Regulatory Subcommittee, and Funding Committee of the Puget Sound Partnership.


Anonymous,  February 6, 2014 at 7:00 AM  

Mr. Hall opposed the appointment of Debbie Tarry for City Manager. He even opposed her appointment as Interim City Manager for a couple of months.

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