Heavy security continues at Ridgecrest Elementary

Friday, February 28, 2014

Heavy police security continued at Ridgecrest Elementary Friday, as Shoreline Police continued their investigation into the threatening emails sent to the principal and some staff.

Ridgecrest photo by
Steven H. Robinson
"This is our top priority," said Shoreline Police Chief Shawn Ledford.

School spokespeople and police continued to stress that the school is safe and the children are safe at school. 

The emails started arriving on Sunday and continued through the week. The school has not disclosed the contents of the emails or nature of the threats, but took them very seriously.

The school cancelled a Science Night event scheduled for Tuesday and kept the children in at recess, as precautions.

Marc McCartney to be honored as 2014 Support Person of the Year

Marc McCartney, Shoreline Schools
Support Person of the Year

Marc McCartney, theater manager/technician and district moving coordinator, has been selected as the 2014 Shoreline Schools Support Person of the Year. 

Marc will be honored at a reception at 6 p.m. on Monday, March 10 in the Shoreline Center lobby as the District kicks off Support Staff Appreciation Week. The community is invited.

“Marc is a man with an incredible work ethic,” his nomination read in part. “As a teacher, theater technician and recently the coordinator of the move into two new high schools, Marc sets a standard for both students and staff.”

Marc has worked for the District for more than 25 years and is a graduate of Shorewood High School. He has managed the Shorecrest theater for many years, now adding the new facility at Shorewood to his duties as well. He is also a teacher of theater lighting and set design.

“What most people do not see is the professional instruction given by Marc to our students who coordinate every light, curtain, microphone and need of our actors and musicians on stage. None of this would happen at this level of excellence if it weren’t for Marc’s teaching,” the nomination continued.

Over the past two years Marc has taken on the responsibility of coordinating the successful moves of both high school staffs into their new buildings.

“(We) can’t begin to express how many endless and late night hours Marc has given to staff, vendors, construction workers and central office personnel to make these massive moves a success.”

The Support Person of the Year award has been made annually since 1998 and is selected by a committee of staff and community members from nominations received from around the District. The recipient also receives a professional development grant from the Shoreline Public Schools Foundation.

Four Calls for Artists from the City of Shoreline

There are currently four Calls for Artists on the City of Shoreline’s website including:

  1. significant sculpture for the next Sculpture Stroll,
  2. outdoor very temporary environmental / recycled sculpture installations for From the Ground Up,
  3. artists for Piano Time pianos, and an
  4. artist opportunity at Sunset School Park.

Artists are encouraged to check them out to see if their creative work fits with one or more of these opportunities. The Public Art page has all the information and directions for entry by email.

Deadlines for these Calls vary from April 3-9. Questions? Contact Ros Bird.

Rummage sale at Shoreline Covenant Church Saturday

Shoreline Covenant Church
Saturday, March 1

1330 North 185th Street  |  Shoreline

Housewares, toys, jewelry, shoes, clothing, bedding & linens, books, sporting goods, art, furniture, lamps, baskets, baby equipment, electronics, crafts, fabric, tools, camping gear, collectibles…and more.  

Photo: Day Camp for Crows

Day Camp for Crows
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

A spring-like warmth filled the air along with the chatter of the crows as they inhabited the old Madrona tree at the Richmond Beach Saltwater Park.

Shorewood swimmers finish eighth in State 3A boys’ swimming

Shorewood placed eighth in team scoring at the State 3A swimming and diving championship Feb. 21-22 in Federal Way.

Boys’ State championships
At King County Aquatic Center, Federal Way, Saturday, Feb. 22

* Automatic All-American
** All-American consideration


200-yard medley relay — 1, Issaquah, 1:35.91.
200 freestyle — 1, E. Kim, Eastlake, 1:37.42*.
200 individual medley — 1, Woodbury, Curtis, 1:50.31*.
50 free — 1, Anderson, Federal Way, 20.19*.
Diving — 1, Klassen, Redmond, 468.75.
100 butterfly — 1, Bublitz, Kentridge, 48.80*.
100 free — 1, E. Kim, Eastlake, 43.90*.
500 free — 1, Geideman, Richland, 4:36.13.
200 free relay — 1, Gig Harbor, 1:27.91.
100 backstroke  — 1, Anderson, Federal Way, 48.10*; 2, Woodbury, Curtis, 49.33*.
100 breaststroke — 1, Schendel, Roosevelt, 57.13**.
400 free relay — 1, Kentridge, 3:12.66.


Team scores (Top 10) — Mercer Island 337, Bellevue 282.5, Lakeside (Seattle) 233.5, Bainbridge 130, Hazen 122.5, Peninsula 114, Hanford 108, Shorewood 107, Kennedy Catholic 87, O’Dea 81.

200 medley relay — 1, Bellevue, 1:34.09*; 2, Lakeside, 1:34.99**; 3, Mercer Island, 1:35.46**.
200 free — 1, Wertz, Hanford, 1:41.81.
200 IM — 1, Devine, Lakeside, 1:47.60*; 2, Thach, Kennedy Catholic, 1:50.29*.
50 free — 1, Lorr, Interlake, 20.90** … 3, Andrew Garrison, Shorewood, 21.56.
Diving — 1, Aaron Moss, Shorecrest, 451.80; 2, Friedman, Peninsula, 381.60.
100 fly — 1, McCarthy, Bellevue, 49.12*; 2, Thach, Kennedy Catholic, 50.30**; 3, Hamlik, Prairie, 50.34**.
100 free — 1, Deiparine, Mercer Island, 46.46.
500 free — 1, Devine, Lakeside, 4:29.56*; 2, Grant Heisey, Shorecrest, 4:38.70.
200 free relay — 1, Mercer Island, 1:25.97** … 3, Shorewood (Galen Kintner, Andrew Garrison, Jonah Hoverson, Tore Landboe) 1:28.05.
100 back — 1, McCarthy, Bellevue, 48.64*; 2, Montemayor, Chief Sealth, 50.35**; 3, Hamlik, Prairie, 51.16**.
100 breast — 1, Riggs, Peninsula, 56.98**; 2, M. Ciliv, Bellevue, 57.27**; 3, Andrew Garrison, Shorewood, 59.63.
400 free relay — 1, Mercer Island, 3:07.36*; 2, Bellevue, 3:10.05**

Spend the evening in Greater Tuna with the Driftwood Players

March 13-16 - four performances only
at the Wade James Theatre
Greater Tuna
By Jason Williams, Ed Howard, and Joe Sears

The hilarious send-up that started it all!

An irreverent look at small town morals and mores, two performers (Kevin Boze and Driftwood Players veteran Terrence Boyd) create the entire population of Tuna, the third smallest town in Texas, where the Lion’s Club is too liberal and Patsy Cline never dies.  Director Paul Fleming will have you gasping for breath during this rapid fire comedy of quick-change artistry and gut-busting bravado.

As with our surprise best-seller last season The 39 Steps, this TIPs show has only four performances March 13-16. 

Tickets are $14.00 online or call 425-774-9600.

See ya’ll soon now, ya hear?

The Driftwood Players is the performance group which performs at the Wade James Theatre, 306 Main Street in Edmonds.

Shoreline submits its Point Wells scoping comments to Snohomish County

The City has submitted its scoping comments to Snohomish County as part of the County’s state mandated environmental review of the proposed Point Wells development. The City’s comments reflect the concerns heard expressed by residents and identifies anticipated project impacts that need to be studied as part of the environmental review process. Determined to make sure a full evaluation of anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation is conducted, the City is also seeking funding from Snohomish County to help off-set the cost of hiring technical experts to help review and verify the results of the draft environmental impact statement (EIS).

Through Washington’s State Environmental Policy Act, when a proposed project is likely to result in significant adverse impacts, the permitting agency is required to prepare an EIS. In the case of Point Wells, Snohomish County is the agency issuing the permits. The EIS reviews the project’s impacts and provides reasonable alternatives and possible mitigation. The first step in the process is to conduct “scoping”, which is the community’s opportunity to comment on the anticipated project impacts and alternatives that should be evaluated.

Once Snohomish County has determined the scope it will begin preparing the draft EIS. The EIS will analyze the probable impacts of the project and reasonable alternatives, and may include studies, modeling, etc. It is anticipated that the County will release the draft EIS later this year.  Both the general public and specific agencies, such as the City, will be able to review and comment on the findings and recommendations of the draft EIS. Before a final EIS is completed, Snohomish County will analyze and respond to the comments received on the draft. Once all of that work is completed, Snohomish County will release the final EIS. The final EIS will be used in Snohomish County’s decision-making process in issuing permits for the development.

To learn more, visit the webpage or contact Planning and Community Development Director Rachael Markle 206-801-2531.

March Membership Luncheon at Chamber to hear about the Business of Communicating

Membership Luncheon, Wednesday, March 12, 11:45am, Shoreline Center, Spartan Room at the far north end of the complex. $20, RSVP

The Shoreline Chamber of Commerce will hear from Jacqueline Brown MA, CCC-S, Program Director and Speech Language Pathologist on The Business of Communicating at their meeting on March 12th.

Jacqueline will discuss the development of speech and language skills in children and how trained speech pathologists can intervene, leading to a child's success in life. She will also show a short video in which parents talk about their experience with children with speech and language problems.

RSVP before March 11. To reserve a spot for lunch send an email to the Chamber or register online

Three Shoreline businesses compete in Hopelink Can Madness Food Drive

Toni&Guy Hairdressing Academy joined by Sky Nursery and Sport Clips

Shoreline’s Toni&Guy Hairdressing Academy is hoping the third time is the charm in Hopelink Can Madness, the annual competitive food drive to stock the agency’s food banks. In the past two years, the Shoreline business has made a strong showing but fallen short of the final round.

This year, a full slate of 32 teams representing Shoreline, Bellevue, Redmond and Kirkland includes two newcomers from Shoreline: Sky Nursery and Sport Clips will compete in addition to Toni&Guy. Now in its fifth year, the competition is aimed at stocking Hopelink food banks during the post-holiday season, when donations slow down.

The drive is patterned after the famous national spring college basketball tournament, matching businesses in weekly competitions to see which can bring in the most food. Each week, the winning business in every bracket will advance to the following week. To ensure that businesses of all sizes are able to compete on a level playing field, the competition uses a unique scoring system that divides the number of pounds of food collected each Friday by a denominator that reflects the size of the business. 

Last year, 25 competitors in Redmond, Kirkland, Bellevue, Shoreline and Seattle collected more than 27,000 pounds of food for Hopelink food banks. The first weigh-in is set for March 7, and a winner will be named April 4.

Since 1971, Hopelink has served homeless and low-income families, children, seniors and people with disabilities in north and east King County by promoting self-sufficiency for all members of our community and helping people make lasting change. Hopelink assists people with meeting their needs for food, shelter, homelessness prevention, family development and stabilization, transportation and adult literacy skills. For more information on Hopelink and its services, call 425-869-6000 or visit Hopelink online.


King's joins Shorecrest in regional boys' basketball double-header Friday at Mountlake Terrace

Northwest District 3A champion Shorecrest will be one of two local boys' basketball teams in a regional basketball double-header Friday at Mountlake Terrace High School.

Shorecrest takes its 17-6 season record into the 8pm 3A regional game with Sea-King District fourth-place O'Dea of Seattle (16-10), with the winner advancing to the State 3A tournament March 6-8 at the Tacoma Dome.

In a 6pm game, Northwest/Sea-King/West Central 1A tri-district champion King's takes a 22-2 record into a 1A regional game against Southwest District fourth-place Hoquiam (17-7), with the winner advancing to the State 1A tournament March 6-8 at the Yakima Sundome.

As district champions, Shorecrest and King's both get favorable draws in the regional round of state play. Meanwhile Northwest District 3A runner-up Stanwood must take its 22-1 record to Kent to meet Foss of Tacoma, and Northwest District 3A No. 3 Mountlake Terrace must travel to Mt. Tahoma High School in Tacoma to meet Wilson of Tacoma.

Bastyr University President announces retirement

After serving a decade as president of Bastyr University, Daniel K. Church, PhD, has announced his retirement effective June 30, 2015.

“After careful consideration, I believe now is the right time for me to make this move,” said Dr. Church. “I feel strongly that the University is in good hands and will continue to flourish. I am committed to ensuring Bastyr University remains a world leader in the natural health arts and sciences, and will always remain a part of the Bastyr family as I take the first steps to spending more time with my own.”

Since 2005, the University has seen unprecedented growth and success under Dr. Church’s leadership. Among the highlights:
  • Increased student enrollment and core faculty
  • Increased consolidated revenues and cash reserves
  • Creation of a new campus and teaching clinic in San Diego
  • Relocation and expansion of Bastyr Center for Natural Health
  • Construction of 11 LEED platinum-certified student housing buildings
  • Addition of eight new degree programs
“The Board of Trustees is indebted to Dr. Church for his numerous contributions to Bastyr and feel fortunate to have had such a dynamic leader steering the University for such a sustained period of excellence,” said Samuel L. Anderson, JD, chair of the Bastyr University Board of Trustees. 
The search for a new president will begin immediately and will be conducted by the University’s Board of Trustees.

Bastyr University's campus in Kenmore offers more than 17 degree and certificate programs in fields such as naturopathic medicine, acupuncture and Oriental medicine, and whole-food nutrition. Founded in 1978, the University now includes a leading-edge research facility and outstanding clinical training at Bastyr Center for Natural Health in Wallingford. The University’s second campus, Bastyr University California, opened in San Diego in fall 2012, becoming California’s first and only accredited school of naturopathic medicine.

2014 Spring Fecal Fest starts today - Zoo Doo and Bedspread

Lucky winners scoop the poop
Photo courtesy Woodland Park Zoo

Woodland Park Zoo’s Spring Fecal Fest starts today. The semi-annual event invites local gardeners to enter a bid to purchase the exotic, highly-coveted Zoo Doo and Bedspread that Dr. Doo, also known as the “Prince of Poo,” the “GM of BM” or the “Grand Poopah,” has been piling all season. 

Even though Dr. Doo has been piling poop for six months, there is not enough Zoo Doo to go around. So the zoo uses a lottery system. Potential buyers fill out an entry form online - deadline March 17, 2014.

Entries will be randomly selected according to supply and demand. Dr. Doo will contact the lucky drawn entries only. The lucky winners pick up their poop from April 5 through April 19, 2014. They load the compost using shovels provided by the zoo.

In addition to the popular Zoo Doo compost, you can enter for a chance to purchase Bedspread, a composted mulch made from the manures and bedding of the zoo’s non-primate herbivores. Bedspread is like Zoo Doo but contains higher amounts of wood chips and sawdust. It is excellent fertile mulch for perennial beds and woody landscapes such as native gardens, rose beds, shrubs, tree rings or pathways, and is an ideal mulch and soil builder for Northwest gardens. 

Prices for Zoo Doo and Bedspread: 
  • Pick-up truck 8x4 bed: $60 - Limit one full truck per person.
  • 6x4 bed: $45 
  • 6x3 bed: $35 
  • Garbage cans: $8 to $10 
  • Bags: $4 to $6 depending on size

Two-gallon and pint-sized buckets are available in the ZooStore for $12.95 and $4.95, respectively.

Fecal Fest is offered twice yearly, with the Fall Fecal Fest usually taking place in September. For more information, call the poop line at 206.625.POOP (7667).

Seven Shorewood athletic teams/performing groups named State Academic Champions

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Seven Shorewood High School teams or performing groups will be honored as Academic State Champions for the winter sports season, the most of any high school in the state.

The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association, Dairy Farmers of Washington, and Les Schwab Tires sponsor the Academic State Champions. The Scholastic Awards Program recognizes the team with the highest grade point average (GPA) among all Washington high schools in their enrollment classification (Shorewood is 3A).

The Shorewood Academic State Champions are:
  • Band, 3.70 GPA for 45 participants, Dave Johnson, director.
  • Cheer, 3.73 GPA for 14 participants, Vicki Gorman, coach.
  • Choir, 3.74 GPA for 18 participants, John Hendrix, director.
  • Dance/Drill, 3.55 GPA for 54 participants, Kim Parker, coach.
  • Drama, 3.70 GPA for 42 participants, Barbara Lachman, director.
  • Gymnastics, 3.84 GPA for 7 participants, Susan Riley, coach.
  • Orchestra, 3.72 GPA for 21 participants, Dan Wing, director.
The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association exists to assist member schools in operating student programs that foster achievement, respect, equity, enthusiasm and excellence in a safe and organized environment.

Roll'em Up in Richmond Beach - Blood Donors Needed Saturday

All aboard!
Tom Petersen, aka Capt Blood, opens the door
for donors this Saturday in Richmond Beach

By Tom Petersen

The Puget Sound Blood Center's mobile unit will be in front of the Shoreline Fire Safety Center at the corner of Richmond Beach Road and 20th NW this Saturday, March 1st, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The harsh winter across much of the country has depleted the nation's blood supply, with low turnouts and cancelled drives in the Midwest and Northeast, in particular. Robust blood drives in places like Richmond Beach will not only save lives locally, but will provide a few pints to parts of the country where there are "blood emergencies."   

The Richmond Beach blood drives are in their sixth year, and "maxing out" the mobile unit --- 30 donors --- will keep the neighborhood on track to register its 1000th donor by the end of the year.

Signing up for an appointment is recommended. Going to PSBC, searching Drives, and checking zip code 98177 starts the quick and easy process for new and returning donors. If a particular time is shown as "full," though, it is still possible to walk up and get in, at that time or any other. If there is a rush, the location is surrounded by shops and restaurants where prospective donors can get a snack while they wait. 

As always, PSBC's cooperating business, D'z Barbershop, is offering its famous "Clip and Drip Special:" Get a haircut at the regular price, go donate blood for free.

From one to 1500 - Shoreline firefighter created the Scott Firefighter Stair Climb event

Shoreline firefighter David Engler
Courtesy Shoreline Fire

Shoreline Firefighter David Engler is credited with creating the popular competition 21 years ago – when he first donned bunker gear and air tanks and climbed with hundreds of civilians. 

Here is his story, reprinted from 2010

By David Engler,
Shoreline Firefighter

In 1987, The Leukemia Society announced the inaugural Big Climb for Leukemia, to be held at the Columbia Center building in downtown Seattle. Put your running gear on and ascend the 788 feet, 1,311 steps, and 69 floors to the top to help raise monies.

I participated in 1987, 1988, and 1989. In 1990, I decided to do it “my way,” which was to don all 50 pounds of my firefighting gear and climb the stairs. In 1991, I returned to the Big Climb and once again climbed from the bottom to the top in all of my gear.

In 1992, I decided to throw down the challenge to area firefighters from 12 different fire departments to race me up the stairs. Every department I sent a challenge to responded by sending at least a few firefighters to participate in an event without any precedent. Thirty-four of us climbed the stairs, and together we donated a total of $1,200 to the Leukemia Society.

Over the years, the event participation has grown by leaps and bounds, drawing firefighters from about 40 states, and from as far away as New Zealand. The event is capped at 1,500 firefighters for logistical reasons, not including the hundreds of air bottle changers stationed on the 40th floor to switch full bottles for empty ones as the firefighters resume their climb to the top.

Last year (2009) The Firefighter Stairclimb raised $640,000 for the Leukemia Society. This is the 19th Annual event. Thus far we have donated well over $2,000,000 to this worthy cause.

My goals when I created this event were threefold: Bring firefighters together in a competitive event, foster camaraderie within our profession, and raise money for a great cause.

Mission accomplished.

Point Wells transportation study workshops

Group briefing
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg
By Marc Weinberg

The City of Shoreline hosted the second of six Transportation Corridor Study Workshops at City Hall March 26 to define impacts to the Shoreline community of this development project.

Future dates of additional workshops are March 13 and 19 as well as April 1 and 16. These take place at City Hall from 7-9pm each of those nights. All residents are encouraged to attend to explain their transportation concerns and to work with others to identify potential solutions.

A break-out group studies the traffic maps
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

The format of our evening was designed with 30 minutes of background and update information in a presentation style, then we divided into small groups based on the area where our concerns were focused so we could discuss the details. Traffic maps were displayed to help locate citizen concerns. This was followed by a 30 minute debrief of our ideas and a summary. Many ideas will be assimilated into the study documents.

This is a long term development project, but the time to influence the choices is now. Almost everyone in Shoreline will eventually be impacted by construction and residential traffic changes. 

For questions, contact Transportation Planning Manager Kirk McKinley. Or better yet - come to the next meeting.

Shoreline firefighters at Central Market Saturday to raise money for Tower Climb

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

On Saturday March 1, Shoreline Firefighters will be "climbing" non-stop at Central Market -- just a preview for the upcoming Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Annual Scott Firefighter Tower Climb on March 9.

69 flights in full gear
At 788 feet of vertical elevation, the Columbia Center (formerly Bank of America Tower) in downtown Seattle stands as the second tallest building west of the Mississippi. It takes 69 flights of stairs and 1,311 steps to reach the highly acclaimed observation deck overlooking the city.

The Scott Firefighter Stairclimb supports the mission of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, raising money through sponsorships, individual and department fundraising, and entry fees. In 2013, the event featured 1,500 firefighters from 282 different departments and brought in a record $1.44 million for blood-cancer research and patient services.

Scott Tower Climb participants will be raising money in Shoreline from 8:30am to 3:30pm at the entrance to Central Market. Watch them keep those stepmills going non-stop! Meet and greet our firefighters and donate to the cause.  

Donate online to Shoreline Fire - use the Donate button in the right hand column - or better yet, go cheer on our firefighters at Central Market on Saturday and donate in person.

Aaron Moss of Shorecrest wins State 3A diving championship

Shorecrest Senior Aaron Moss receiving his
2014 State Championship Metal from his Dive Coach, Marc Hughes
Photo courtesy Shoreline Schools

Aaron Moss of Shorecrest won the State 3A diving championship Saturday as part of the State boys’ swimming and diving championship at the King County Aquatics Center in Federal Way.

Moss’s score of 451.80 points put him well ahead of the 381.60 for second-place Paul Friedman of Peninsula High School in Gig Harbor. His score was the second best among divers in the three classifications at the meet behind the 468.75 for 4A champion Eric Klassen of Redmond.

What's cooking at Central Market

If you're looking for inspiration, answers, tips or new recipes - come by the Culinary Resource Center near Produce at Shoreline Central Market, upper level Aurora Square on Westminster Way.

There's often something to sample, and always recipes for the taking. Below is the lineup for demonstrations.The kiosk is staffed 10 am-6:30pm daily (9 am-5:30pm Sundays) with sampling noon to 4:30pm. If a line appears under the recipe or if the name is in color, you can click to go to the full recipe.

FEB. 27 - MARCH 4, 2014 

Thurs, Feb. 27     Zesty Broccoli with Garlic and Orange

Fri, Feb. 28         Steakhouse-Style Rib Steaks

Sun, March 2     Cookwell and Company Two-Step Gumbo Mix
Easy Beignets with French Market Chicory Coffee 

Mon, March 3    New Orleans Jambalaya

The Gallery at Town Center presents Karen Dedrickson & Ellen Witebsky

The Gallery at Town Center Presents Karen Dedrickson and Ellen Witebsky, February 25 - April 5.

The Gallery at Town Center is pleased to welcome two talented and accomplished artists to our walls in a beautiful new show which opened Tuesday, February 25,

Sweet Showers detail by Karen Dedrickson

Karen Dedrickson 's diverse passions for nature began in infancy. She lived in Japan, Hawaii, Utah and New Mexico before arriving in Seattle in 1967 where the rich culture and collections of Asian Art influenced her artwork later. Now, her art career is rapidly expanding in the Northwest; showing at Columbia City Gallery, Alki Arts and Seattle juried shows.

Painting spontaneously, she loves watching each brush mark speak a truth that can't be erased. Her birds are like a kanji character, a graphic vocabulary expressing her feelings, and revealing the unexpected. 

Photograph by Ellen Witebsky

Ellen Witebsky is a photographer and digital artist living in Seattle, Washington. A 2007 graduate of the Photographic Center Northwest, she also holds an MA and a BA in Physical Geography from UC Santa Barbara. Her photography is eclectic and includes still lifes, landscapes, portraits, animal portraits, and whimsical abstract works. Her photography has garnered a number of awards and has been featured in numerous exhibitions around the Puget Sound.

The Gallery is located on the inside lower level of the Lake Forest Park Town Center, 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park 98155. Gallery hours are 12-5pm Tuesday - Saturday. For information on the gallery and other Arts Council programs, email or call 206-417-4645.

The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to nurture all of the arts in the community through programs and events, arts education, advocacy, and support for artists and arts organizations. Proceeds from the Gallery at Town Center help fund these programs and events.

Book Review by Aarene Storms: Code Name Verity

Code Name Verity  by Elizabeth Wein

audiobook read by Lucy Gaskell and Morven Christie

The spy known officially as "Verity" starts off her story by confessing that she has always pretended to be heroic. Yet, when captured by the Gestapo behind enemy lines, the narrator freely admits that she, under pressure of captivity and torture, promptly betrayed wireless codes, details about Great Britain's homeland security and airfield defenses, and more.

In bits and pieces, scribbled away on scraps of paper, a story emerges. But the story is not the one that the Nazis thought they were getting.

Code Name Verity isn't just blazingly fabulous historical fiction for teens, featuring two strong and capable girls. There is also action, suspense, and plenty of twists in the unreliable narrative. This is a story of friendship, choices, and--no matter what Verity says -- this is a story of courage.  

Descriptions of violence, treachery, and torture are intense but not graphic -- much is left to the imagination of the reader.  

Very highly recommended for readers ages 12 to adult.  

The events may not have happened; still, the story is true.  --R. Silvern

Aarene Storms, youth services librarian
Richmond Beach and Lake Forest Park Libraries, KCLS

BECU awards grant to Parkwood Elementary

This is the 13th year that BECU has awarded over $100,000 in community grants to support education projects that help promote student excellence. This year BECU made cash awards to 46 local schools, including Parkwood Elementary in Shoreline.

“BECU School Grants allow us to support programs that previously lacked the funding to get started,” said Tom Berquist, Senior Vice President of Member Strategies at BECU. “We love awarding grants that can make an impact on student success and are inspired every year by the schools who receive the grants.”

BECU School Grants are given out each year to local schools to help fund educational materials, programs and events, environmental learning trips, and technology tools such as calculators, microscopes, electronic dictionaries and more. Grants are awarded in three categories: Financial Literacy, Environmental Sustainability, and Technology Tools. Each grant is awarded based on specific need up to a maximum of $2,500.

The funding for recipients will go towards a variety of school programs, from green school certification, to outdoor education and technology for literacy and math. BECU received approximately 95 applications and narrowed it down to 46 based on eligibility of the request, impact on student learning, number of students reached with grant funds, and potential on-going use of the item or program.

BECU is a not-for-profit credit union owned by the members. Profits are returned to the members in the form of better rates and fewer fees. With more than 840,000 members and more than $12.0 billion in assets, BECU is the largest credit union in Washington and one of the top five financial cooperatives in the country. BECU currently operates over 40 locations in the Puget Sound region. All Washington state residents are eligible to join.

Shoreline man arrested - posed as teen to meet underage girls

The Seattle P-I via KOMO news, posted a story about a Shoreline man who has been charged with communication with a minor for immoral purposes and is currently in jail.

SEATTLE -- A Shoreline sex offender alleged to have posed online as a 15-year-old boy to meet teen girls is again accused of sending sexually explicit messages to children. 
Previously convicted of striking up a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old, Dean T. Michael is alleged to have befriended 77 girls on the same social network he used to meet his earlier victim. Michael, 23, was arrested after a probation officer found a naked teen girl hiding in his closet during a random search of his home.

The story is online here.

Help Ronald UMC clear out the larder at Fat Sunday March 2

17839 Aurora Avenue North, Shoreline 98133
206-542-2484, email.

Pancake Feast, Fellowship, Pancake Races
and butterfly crafts for al
Sunday, March 2

Threatening emails continue - Ridgecrest Elementary on modified lockdown Wednesday

Photo by Steven H. Robinson

On two of the nicest days this year, students at Ridgecrest Elementary had to stay inside for recess.

After a full lockdown on Tuesday, the school was on modified lockdown Wednesday, as the principal and some teachers continued to receive threatening emails.

District spokesperson Craig Degginger said “modified lockdown,” includes keeping kids inside the building throughout the day and locking all exterior doors. Additional police officers are also on campus and patrolling the neighborhood around the school.

Science Night, scheduled for Tuesday night, was cancelled.

Our news partner King5 did a story - read it here.

Finalists for SCC President to be interviewed on campus week of April 7

On-campus interviews with the four finalists for the president’s position at Shoreline Community College will be scheduled for the week of April 7.

The candidates are (in alphabetical order):
  1. Dr. Warren Brown, Executive Vice President for Instruction and Student Services at Seattle Central Community College.
  2. Paula T. Langteau, Campus Dean and CEO at the University of Wisconsin-Marinette, in Marinette, Wis.
  3. Dr. Cheryl Roberts, President of Chemeketa Community College, Salem, Ore.
  4. Dr. Dennis Rome, Associate Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the University of Wisconsin-Parkside in Kenosha, Wis.

The candidates will be scheduled for individual campus visits over four days; April 7-8, 10-11. Each day will include in-person interviews and public forums. Feedback from those sessions will be collected and forwarded to the Board of Trustees for use in making a final decision.

New Shorecrest High School opens for students and staff

Photos by Steven H. Robinson

The new Shorecrest High School building opened for students and staff on Monday, February 24 following mid-winter break. The new main academic building was constructed behind the old school, which dates back to 1961. The old building will now be demolished to make room for parking areas. The new Shorecrest gymnasium and performing arts buildings opened in earlier phases.

The Shoreline School District is completing two major high school projects this year, using proceeds from the sale of bonds approved by voters in 2010 and state matching funds. The new Shorewood High School opened last September. On Monday, 1,300 Shorecrest students and staff began their day at 7:50am with an assembly in the gym, then walked in a procession led by the Shorecrest Scots bagpipers across the courtyard into the new building to get their first look at their new classrooms.

Cafeteria and 2nd floor hallway

Opening ceremonies were held in the gym

Bagpipers led the classes, Seniors first, to their new building

School board member David Wilson
and Superintendent Sue Walker take a moment for a photo

Spacious, well-lit hallways 
Ready to learn

Retired Lake Forest Park Police Chief Dennis Peterson called in to fix long-running problems at Snohomish County morgue

Former LFP Police Chief
Dennis Peterson 
From the Everett Herald
EVERETT — A management shakeup has begun at the Snohomish County morgue, where the administrators have called in a retired police chief to fix long-running problems. Dennis Peterson is starting work this week at the Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office. 
The former Lake Forest Park police chief’s duties will include running day-to-day operations as well as exploring long-term changes. 
“His job is to look at every corner of the operation and tell me what we need to change — or to improve or repair, expand or contract,” Deputy County Executive Mark Ericks said. “The supervision of the investigators will be under Dennis Peterson. Everyone in the office will report to him.”

Two lawsuits from female death investigators alleged sexual harassment and workplace retaliation. Employee turnover has been high for years. A pathologist refused to perform an autopsy which stalled a Monroe police criminal investigation. 

In 2011, one of the medical investigators resigned amid allegations that he stole prescription pain medications seized during death investigations.

Peterson is expected to be there for several months.

Read the entire story here.

Indonesia's Culture and Worldview - free lecture at SCC Thursday evening

The World’s Largest Archipelago:
Indonesia’s Culture and Worldview

A conversation about the history and outlook of the citizens in a country that has the largest Muslim population and is the 3rd largest  democracy in the world,  with roots in Asia, Islam, and the West.
Ms. Anita Sulaiman (Indonesian citizen)
Consultant and Trainer, Inter-cultural Business Excellence; 
Founder and Board chair, 
Indonesia Business Council Greater Seattle;
Board member, Indonesia Diaspora Network, Greater Seattle

Ms. Diah Satya Darmawaty (Indonesian citizen)
Co-Founder and Board member, 
Indonesia Diaspora Foundation Global;
Founder and Board member, 
Indonesia Diaspora Network Greater Seattle 
Structural Engineer, Boeing Company

Thursday, February 27, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Shoreline Community College, Room 9208 PUB (map)
This event is FREE and open to the public. There is a small fee for parking on campus.

County Council adopts motion calling on state Legislature to allow creation of cultural access funds

King County’s quality of life is bolstered by the numerous arts, heritage and science programs throughout the region. The Metropolitan King County Council Council Monday acknowledged the importance of these organizations by giving its unanimous support on a motion calling on the Washington state Legislature to back the creation of cultural access funds to help sustain and increase access to the arts.

Cultural access funds are publicly funded programs established to expand access to cultural organizations. Several examples of how the funds could be used include supporting reduced or free admissions to arts, heritage and science organizations; creation of new or expanded programming for families and individuals; and funding transportation for public school students to attend or participate in cultural organizations. Cultural access funds have been implemented in several states, including Colorado, Minnesota, Missouri, and Pennsylvania.

“King County is known nationally for having a vibrant arts and cultural sector that generates significant economic activity, provides a high quality of life for residents, inspires learning opportunities for youth, and attracts tourists,” said Council Chair Larry Phillips, a co-sponsor of the motion. “I urge the state legislature to create a cultural access fund that will help sustain and increase access to the arts in King County and across Washington.”

As stated in King County’s 2014 State Legislative Agenda, fostering a vibrant arts community is a “critical asset” for both County residents and visitors. The state Legislature is still considering a bill that would allow counties to establish cultural access programs with the potential to raise substantial funds for arts, heritage and science organizations.

“Cultural access funds are important to all, but especially those whose economic resources might limit their access to the vibrant cultural array of resources in King County,” said Councilmember Larry Gossett.

The adopted motion acknowledges the importance of arts, heritage and science organizations and expresses support for passage of state legislation that would enable local governments to create cultural access funds. 

Irish Heritage Week features local play - A Rose for Danny

The Irish Heritage Players present A Rose for Danny - the Seattle premiere of a play by Kevin J. Moriarty for Irish Heritage Week at Seattle Center March 6-9 and 13-16. Curtain at 7:30pm and 2pm on Sunday. Tickets available online.

Lake Forest Park City Council business meeting Thursday

The City Council of Lake Forest Park will hold its regular business meeting on Thursday, February 27, 2014, 7pm at the LFP City Hall, 17425 Ballinger Way NE.

Agenda items include:
  • Approval of 2014 City Expenditures for period ending February 27, 2014
  • Authorizing Mayor to Sign Agreement for Consultant Services with Frause for 2014 Natural Yard Care Program
  • Authorizing Mayor to Sign a Second Amendment of a Professional Services Agreement with Janice Corbin of Sound Employment Solutions
  • Accepting Work on McKinnon Creek Trail by Volunteers for Outdoor Washington
  • Appointments and reappointments to City commissions
The complete agenda, with background documents, is available here. Audio files of previous meetings are available online.

Citizens are welcome to attend the meeting. There is a public comment period at 7:15pm.

Annual Breakfast raises $36,000 for programs at Third Place Commons

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

280 community members gather to honor the Commons
Photo by Thomas Ager

By Constance Perenyi

It is a late winter, early morning tradition. On the second Thursday of February, almost always close to Valentine’s Day, folks rise early, arrive in Lake Forest Park at dawn’s early light, and join hundreds of their friends and colleagues to celebrate and raise money for Third Place Commons, the heart of the north end of King County. This year, the festivities on February 13 drew more than 280 supporters. By the time all the checks roll in, the Commons will have raised more than $36,000 to support over 900 free, public programs in the coming year.

This marks the ninth, and most successful Breakfast in the Commons. Lake Forest Park resident Allen Schauffler returned as Master of Ceremonies, and remarked, “You know I have done this for 8 years. I have seen the Commons go from a good idea to something that is now woven into the fabric of our community. The Commons is about collaboration, teamwork and partnerships.”

The breakfast began with a celebration of musical partnerships in the Commons. Glen Milner, Alisa Milner, and Ian McFerron welcomed guests with their signature fiddles and guitar. David Shere of the Music Center of the Northwest played and sang while everyone enjoyed Honey Bear bacon and Great Harvest treats. And then Madison Marquette, owner and manager of the Town Center, was recognized for teaming with Third Place Commons to bring back music on Friday and Saturday nights.

Every year, Third Place Commons honors one community partner for service above and beyond ordinary support. The Lake Forest Park Rotary Club was the first recipient nine years ago at the first Breakfast. In 2014, the Commons again honored Rotary, this time for unwavering support of Commons programming and of the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market. Rotarians collect food for local food banks at the end of every market, and for the last two years, Rotary has helped fund the Market Bucks food assistance program.

Current president Sally Renn accepted on behalf of the club, and in the true spirit of partnership, reciprocated by announcing the winners of the first Jeff Award. Named after Jeff Weissman, beloved Rotarian and retired owner of Great Harvest Bread Company, this new award recognizes a Lake Forest Park Business with an exemplary commitment to high ethical standards and public values. Nominations this first year lead to the choice of two local businesses, and three people were called to the stage: Douglas Carl and Janiece Hoggatt from A Better Day Salon, and Robert Sindelar, Managing Partner of Third Place Books.

Following the awards, King County Councilmember Rod Dembowski took the stage to share his impressions of the role Third Place Commons plays as a vital community space in his district. He talked about the challenges King County faces, and returned again to the importance of people talking to each other and working together, something he sees every time he visits the Commons.

The event ended with a heartfelt request from Third Place Commons board members Tanya Laskelle and Leslie Brooks, both new mothers who want the Commons to be part of their children’s lives. Tanya grew up in Lake Forest Park, and she shared memories of an empty mall that had little to offer the community. By contrast, both she and Leslie can now bring their babies to the Commons for Play and Learn activities, meet friends for coffee, listen to music, and shop for fresh food at the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market. With a photograph in the background of them with their children and their mothers, Tanya and Leslie demonstrated that the Commons is a unique space with intergenerational value. They encouraged everyone to reach deep and support the Commons on behalf of everyone in their families.

As promised, the Breakfast ended before 8:30am so people could start the work day on time, with renewed energy and the great feeling of having supported Third Place Commons. This event, just like the Commons, is for everyone, and it is a lot of fun. If you missed it this year, be sure to mark your 2015 calendar for Thursday, February 12, 7am. Tickets will be available online starting in December of this year. To stay posted on this and all Commons events, visit the Commons website and be sure to like the Friends of Third Place Commons Facebook page. Donations are gratefully received throughout the year. For more information about how you can support your Commons with tax-deductible contributions, email the Commons.

Want help to get started on a home improvement project? Shoreline offers free workshops

For sale at Dunn Lumber in Shoreline
Summer is coming! Do you have a home improvement project that you would like some guidance to get started? Is it a subdivision of property, house remodel, driveway, drainage, deck, or a tree project?

The Shoreline Planning and Community Development Department has organized two workshops to help Shoreline residents with these types of projects.

The workshops will be March 26 and April 30, 2014 from 6 to 8pm in the first floor lobby of City Hall.

Look for “Residential Improvement Workshops” on the City’s website (after March 1) to sign up for reserved time slots. If you leave your address at the sign-up, Planning will have maps of your property at the workshop. After the first workshop you can sign up for the second workshop to refine your plans further. You have the option of going to either or both workshops.

There will be technical reviewers there to help with questions regarding your house, property, land uses, and street as well as and code and permit information. Information at the workshop includes:
  1. List of Shoreline consultants, contractors, and material suppliers; 
  2. Work tables, handouts, and maps of your property; and 
  3. Consult with a local designer, Master Gardener, energy auditor, material supplier, home loan, and a grant funding program for residential drainage improvements.
Call Paul Cohen, Planning Manager at 206-801-2551 or email him if you have questions.

Bring your plans and ideas!

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