WeatherWatcher: Weekly Weather, First major wind storm

Saturday, November 2, 2013

  • Forecast
  • Most damaging winds since December 14, 2006
  • Last week's data
Forecast: The week ahead is going to be a very wet and stormy one compared to the last 3 weeks we've gotten used to. We will have a bit of a break Sunday evening into Monday before the next storm system moves in later Monday into Tuesday. Currently it doesn't look like we have any more significant damaging storms on the horizon but that could change easily. Heavier rain systems will be moving through Wednesday through the next weekend. Temperatures are going to cool down a lot as well, we will run closer to the mid-upper 40's for high temps this week, lows will probably be about the low - mid 40's. If we have a partly cloudy or clear night, that could bring the temperatures down to the 30's.

Most damaging winds since December 14, 2006: We had a fast moving potent storm system blow through the region this morning and early afternoon. The storm system was forecasted originally Thursday however the winds were not expected to be as strong as they ended up being. Snohomish County was hardest hit. If you lived in the northern half of Shoreline, or anywhere in Lake Forest Park, chances are you lost power today. Seattle City light showed very few spots on the map that still had power (as seen in our previous story earlier today. Many businesses were out of power, especially in the North City Business district and on Aurora Avenue North between N 200th St and N 155th St. Aurora Village appears to be the only business area that wasn't impacted by power loss. Most neighborhood roads were littered with tree debris. A large tree was blocking 5th Ave NE just north of NE 195th St for a short time before Noon. Winds were strongest between 10 AM and Noon. Inland areas had gusts of 35mph when exposed or cleared areas received gusts in the 40's to near 50 mph. My station is very sheltered from wind due to the tall trees and had a recorded gust of 17mph, however near the tree tops I'm sure it was much stronger.

In the image below you can see where the barometric pressure (purple) dropped and where the winds (dark green, yellow, and red) picked up around 7am and peaked at about 10am. You can also see the rainfall we had today graphed out in green. You can see a nice temperature drop (cyan) as the cold front pushed through at about 1:30pm.

Image from

Maximum Wind Gusts from area stations:
Shorecrest High School: North Wind 34mph
Syre Elementary: North Wind 33mph
Central Market: 36mph

Last week's data:
High temperature: 58.1°F (Friday)
Low temperature: 34.0°F (Tuesday)
Rainiest day: 0.21 inches (Sunday)
Total rainfall: 0.21 inches 
Warmest day: 53.0°F (Friday)
Coldest day: 42.3°F (Tuesday)
Average temperature: 48.2°F (0.5°F colder than average)
Station historic average: 48.7°F

Warmest and coldest days are based on average temperature of the entire day, starting at midnight. All other averages are based on the whole week, starting Saturday morning at midnight. All weather data unless otherwise noted is sourced from Carl's weather station located in the Echo Lake neighborhood of Shoreline, Washington. For up to the minute weather conditions and historic data, as well as links to weather information and resources, check out my page.

Follow me on Twitter: @SWeatherWatcher for any updates on weather events approaching our area.


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