Next Shoreline City Council meeting - Sound Transit, revenue sources, City Manager finalists, transportation master plan

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The next Shoreline City Council meeting will be held on Monday, November 18, 2013, with a special meeting at 5:30pm and the regular business meeting at 7pm, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 17500 Midvale Ave N, Shoreline 98133.

5:30pm Special Meeting

Council will discuss Sound Transit’s Long-Range Plan Scoping Comments – Sound Transit is updating their Long-Range Plan and is asking for the public for input and ideas on what to include in the update. Council will be discussing what types of capital and service improvements it would like to see for Shoreline.

7:00pm Business Meeting

Action Items

~Public Hearing and Council Discussion on 2014 Property Tax and Revenue Sources

Council continues to review the 2014 Budget with emphasis on the 2014 Property Tax Levy and proposed revenue. Council will also hold its final public hearing on the budget. The public hearing should commence at approximately 7:20pm.

~Approval of Final Candidates for City Manager Interviews

Council will approve the finalists for the City Manager position to go through on-site interviews on Saturday, December 7, 2013.

Study Items

~Discussion and Update to the Transportation Master Plan

Over the past year, staff has implemented various aspects of the TMP. Through its use, staff has noted a few changes needed to correct errors or add clarification to the Master Street Plan. Additionally, two changes to the street classification map are needed. The changes recommended with this update are minor in nature and do not result in policy changes or the identification of new projects.


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