WeatherWatcher: Weekly Weather, More Sunshine on the Way

Monday, October 14, 2013

  • Forecast
  • Last week's data:
Forecast - I hope you are a fan of morning fog and afternoon sunshine. We have a strong ridge of high pressure that is dominating the region. All forecasts I've looked at and follow seem to agree that this sun is likely to last for the next 7-10 days. Later this week we may see a high temperature reach near 70°F. In general though we're looking at the mid 50's to mid 60's on most days for high temperatures. The ridge of high pressure may break down a little bit from time to time to allow some clouds to move through but I don't think we'll see another moderate weather event until about a week before Halloween.

Last weeks data:
High temperature: 70.2°F (Sunday)
Low temperature: 38.7°F (Wednesday)
Rainiest day: 0.12 inches (Monday)
Total rainfall: 0.20 inches
Warmest day: 55.8°F (Sunday)
Coldest day: 46.4°F (Wednesday)
Average temperature: 50.9°F (0.5°F colder than average)
Station historic average temperature for last week: 51.4°F

Average Daily Temperature October 2013
Graphic by Carl Dinse

Graphic by Carl Dinse

Warmest and coldest days are based on average temperature of the entire day, starting at midnight. All other averages are based on the whole week, starting Saturday morning at midnight. All weather data unless otherwise noted is sourced from Carl's weather station located in the Echo Lake neighborhood of Shoreline, Washington. For up to the minute weather conditions and historic data, as well as links to weather information and resources, check out my page.

Follow me on Twitter: @SWeatherWatcher for any updates on weather events approaching our area.


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