WeatherWatcher: Weekly Report - September Storm

Monday, October 7, 2013

  • Forecast
  • Highlights last week
  • Last week's data
Forecast: For the remainder of our week, and next weekend it looks to be wet off and on again. Tuesday will be much like Monday, with some drying out Wednesday. Thursday looks a little wet again as another storm moves through, clearing on Friday with yet another storm front moving through Friday evening for return of some more rain. The weekend looks mostly dry. Temperatures will hover in the 50's to low 60's this week for high temperatures, low temperatures will fall into the 40's or low 50's.

Highlights last week: Last weekend September 28-29, we had a soaker of a rain storm move through with some breezy conditions. The national weather service on Sunday even issued a high wind warning for the area before they downgraded it to a wind advisory. Winds reached 35-45mph gusts over the Shoreline and Lake Forest Park areas Saturday and Sunday afternoon. We received a total of 1.78 inches of rain, not as much as Sea-tac over the weekend. We were spared by the higher amounts of rain due to the Olympic Mountain rain shadow. Areas south of us received 2-3 inches of rain over that same weekend. Some places in the southwest interior of Western Washington received much higher amounts, as well as the mountains. This was a very unseasonable storm, a weather event that typically happens in November or December.

On Friday morning frost was observed in some places due to radiational cooling. Did you observe any frost in your yard Friday morning?

Last weeks data:
High temperature: 61.2°F (Friday)
Low temperature: 39.2°F (Friday)
Rainiest day: 1.05 inches (Saturday)
Total rainfall: 2.19 inches
Warmest day: 54.6°F (Saturday)
Coldest day: 48.9°F (Friday)
Average temperature: 50.8°F (4 degrees colder!)
Station average for last week: 54.8°F

Warmest and coldest days are based on average temperature of the entire day, starting at midnight. All other averages are based on the whole week, starting Saturday morning at midnight. All weather data unless otherwise noted is sourced from Carl's weather station located in the Echo Lake neighborhood of Shoreline, Washington. For up to the minute weather conditions and historic data, as well as links to weather information and resources, check out my page.

Follow me on Twitter: @SWeatherWatcher for any updates on weather events approaching our area.


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