Shoreline Neighborhood Mini-grant brings wellness programs and adult exercise equipment to Hillwood neighborhood

Monday, October 14, 2013

City Manager Julie Underwood and City Council Member
Doris McConnell wield the scissors at ribbon cutting

A Shoreline Neighborhood Mini-Grant with three partners has brought wellness programs and outdoor adult exercise equipment to Hillwood neighborhood. Hillwood Community Network, Calvin Presbyterian Church and Mud Puddle Fitness joined forces to accomplish this work.

There are now three pieces of brightly colored adult exercise equipment available for public use in Hillwood Park, 19001 3rd Avenue NW, Shoreline 98177.

Rob Beem of Shoreline Human Services and City Council Member
Doris McConnell try the two-seated leg lift.

A two seat leg press trainer, a two-sided rotator, and a self-weighted rower are positioned adjacent to children's play equipment and ready for adult use.

"We hope that parents watching their children at play will get some exercise too.  Plus the new equipment is located right next to the Einstein Middle School track where neighbors often walk or run. This provides exercise opportunities for all ages and all fitness levels", said Ann Erickson, chair of Hillwood Community Network.

Self-weighted rower decked out in balloons.

A dedication for this new equipment was held September 27 at the conclusion of the Falls Prevention Workshop, the first of several wellness events for the Hillwood neighborhood. City Council member Doris McConnell and City Manager Julie Underwood were guest speakers.

Other wellness programs planned include a Personal Safety and Property Security Workshop, Friday, October 25, from 1 to 3pm. Guest speakers Deputy Steven Perry, Shoreline Police, and Melanie Granfors, Shoreline Fire, will give safety and emergency training. Admission is free and all Shoreline residents are welcome.
Kathi Bonello of Calvin Presbyterian Church on the rotator.

Meaningful Movie Nights will show HBO’s  “The Weight of the Nation” a four-part documentary series, featuring case studies and interviews with leading experts which spotlights the facts and myths of this urgent public health issue. They will be followed by a discussion session led by Lisa Steubing of Mud Puddle Fitness.

This series of four films will be shown on Thursday nights. The first film was aired on October 10; the remaining three will be October 24, and November 7 and 21 from 7pm to 8:30pm in the Fireside Room at Calvin Presbyterian Church, 18826 3rd Avenue NW.  

Admission is free and all Shoreline residents are welcome.


Anonymous,  October 15, 2013 at 8:27 AM  

These mini-grants don't happen without neighborhood volunteers putting together the applications for submittal to the city - why don't you recognize them? They were at the dedications, like Boni Biery at Hillwood.

Anonymous,  October 15, 2013 at 11:38 AM  

Great investment in the community! Hopefully this helps some Shoreline residents keep healthy lifestyles.

Anonymous,  October 17, 2013 at 7:10 PM  

Terrific use of mini-grant funds! A good part of Shoreline is good for walking, too, and I've noticed that more people these days - including me - are partaking. On a related note, recently I noticed somebody complaining about Tacoma Link Rail charging $1 for a ride (instead of free) would cause them to walk. My reaction: and the bad thing about that is...?

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