Oral arguments in Save Richmond Beach case this Thursday

Monday, October 21, 2013

Save Richmond Beach reports that the Supreme Court accepted their petition for review of the Court of Appeals decision that went against them. The case is scheduled for oral arguments this Thursday, October 24, 2013 at 1:30pm at the Temple of Justice, 415 12th Ave SW, in Olympia.

From their website:
There are myriad issues with Point Wells, but at the simplest level we believe that Snohomish County violated the Growth Management Act when designating Point Wells an urban center. This belief was vindicated on April 25, 2011 when the Growth Board resoundingly agreed with us that Point Wells is not an appropriate site for an urban center. 
On November 23, 2011, King County Superior Court also over-turned the developers vesting and enjoined Snohomish County from processing the development application.The Court of Appeals over-turned that decision, but the State Supreme Court has now taken the case for review.


Anonymous,  October 22, 2013 at 6:21 AM  

How do you build 18 story buildings on a sandy beach? Anyone ever hear of liquifaction during a quake?

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