Op-Ed: Setting the record straight about the 46th LD Democratic organization

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

(The authors are responding to comments posted by an anonymous person on a previous story.)

We are writing to correct some information posted to your site on October 15th. The 46th District Democrats is current with 2013 reports to the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC). We are now updating reports from May 2012 – December 2012. As we disclosed to the PDC earlier this year, the 46th LD is behind on these reports due to the serious, life-threatening illness of our former treasurer. Once the 46th LD board knew of this reporting lapse, we immediately informed the PDC and presented a plan for getting caught up on our PDC reporting.

Because we took responsibility and presented a plan, the 46thLD is not facing any fines. The anonymous comment on your website is not accurate and we are writing today to correct this misinformation.

We appreciate the public service the Shoreline Area News provides to our community by covering local races and issues and look forward to continuing our own service to the area. Our goal in the 46th Legislative District is to elect and support Democrats who wish to serve at every level of public office. During the last year our district has grown to include Lake Forest Park and Kenmore, as well new school districts and other governing bodies. It has been a year of learning for us and we look forward to an improved process in future election cycles. Elections in small cities function differently than in a large city like Seattle, so we are adjusting our timetables and plans to better serve our entire district.

As we all live in an area where the large majority is allied with the Democratic Party, many local races are contests between our members and friends. This is not always easy and in our organization, we strive to promote respect and good citizenship even when we disagree.

“Good people can disagree without being disagreeable,” Barry Goldwater, yes, a Republican, once said.

We encourage your readers to approach all candidates with respect and an appreciation for their willingness to serve – especially in local offices in which they serve without compensation.

Sabrina Hill, 46th LD Chair
Betty Means, 46th LD Treasurer


Anonymous,  October 23, 2013 at 3:12 AM  

It's almost 2014 and you still haven't filed 2012? If the Republicans had done this the Democrats would be screaming bloody murder. And for the record, it was a 46th LD Democrat PCO on the Executive Board who started this stupid argument by attacking a letter writer. Those who live in glass houses...

Anonymous,  October 23, 2013 at 7:49 AM  

Striving to "promote respect" means keeping an open mind to more than one side of an issue or candidate race. Respect does not include censorship of statements by elected officials in your District. However, it's good to know that 46th leadership finally acknowledges (a reversal from their previous position) that "elections in small cities function differently than in a large city like Seattle."

Anonymous,  October 23, 2013 at 11:31 AM  

Censorship of what statements by elected officials in the 46th LD? What elected officials? What statements? As a voter, I'd like to know more about this. These seem like pretty serious allegations, but the accusation is so random. Wouldn't we have heard if our Representatives were being censored? After the past month with the government shut-down I would think less talking and more doing would be a good thing. What the heck are you people talking about?

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