Off the beaten track in Kenmore – Crossfit Kenmore

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Charles Crouch with his children at Crossfit Kenmore

Are you looking for a fitness routine – one that provides a sense of community, yet supports an individualized workout that is within your grasp? Crossfit may be an option for you to check out.  (NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you see your doctor before starting any new workout regimen.)

Charles Crouch owns and operates Crossfit Kenmore. A former Navy SEAL, Mr. Crouch is familiar with a variety of workout routines to optimize fitness. His gym, which originally started out in May of 2011 with workouts in a park, is now located at 7534 NE 175th Street, Kenmore (425-646-6459, email). His logo shows a rather pumped up frog, reflecting his Navy SEAL (“frogmen”) background. 

Trainer Erica Davis in the gym

A typical workout routine a warmup, stretching, strength, and a “WOD,” or Workout of the Day, which includes a variety of movements and is up to the instructors’ discretion. The WOD takes 12 to 20 minutes, give or take, and it is suggested that you do this three times weekly. The WOD is different each time – different exercises, rotating through different muscle groups. Classes are available Monday to Friday in the morning and evening, plus a Saturday morning class.

New clients start off with a fundamentals course of about three to five classes to ensure that you can do your workout correctly, at an intensity that is right for you – thus avoiding injury.

The gym is spacious

Although a given workout time slot can accommodate up to 15 people, typically it is fewer than 10, allowing Mr. Crouch to monitor everyone for good form, and adapt the vigor of the exercise or the weights used. As you improve, he determines whether or not it is time to increase the vigor or weights. Over time, the goal is to get stronger and develop increased stamina. He can include both ordinary middle-aged people and elite athletes in the same group, as he scales the individual workout to the individual's ability. The trick is to provide a challenge, without stressing out muscles and joints.

Charles focuses on functional, full-body exercises that mimic real-life activities. Thus ordinary activities are supported as one strengthens. He also modifies exercises for those with injuries, so that they do not aggravate that injury. 

Coach Erica Davis is a recent Bastyr
graduate in nutrition

Crouch believes in community, and has worked to make the facility family-friendly, with a child’s play room adjacent, and a loft with wi-fi for pre-teens. He recently trained the Inglemoor High School girl’s varsity basketball team to improve performance. They made sixth in State last year and they want to achieve first place this year.

While he is enthusiastic about Crossfit, he believes that people will find it if they are looking for the next edge in their physical training. Hence, he spends very little on advertising, with the belief that potential clients will find his business if they are really wanting this kind of workout. It must be working; he is planning to expand his business.

Charles Crouch is married, with two children, and a third on the way. He lives in Kenmore, WA. 


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