Issue statements from incumbent Northshore Fire Commissioner Kae Peterson and challenger Pat McSweeney

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Incumbent Northshore Fire District Commissioner Kae Peterson faces challenger Patrick McSweeney in the Nov. 5 general election.

Here are statements on campaign issues from the two candidates;

 Patrick McSweeney

My wife Irene and I have lived in Kenmore for 36 years; we raised our children here and believe quality fire service is essential. I have 40 years experience in financial analysis and retired as managing director, US Bank Asset Management.

Our firefighters are dedicated professionals. They serve our community well. I believe we should strongly support their efforts. However, our fire commissioners must improve their fiscal accountability as well as communications with citizens.

A Regional Fire Authority is under consideration. Regional collaboration should be pursued objectively with the goals of improving service and reducing costs. I am uniquely qualified to evaluate the RFA planning process and provide sound management insight to the district.

Excess assessments were collected from taxpayers in 2008, and again in 2012. $1.2 million remains unused in excess of a fully funded reserve account. 

My goals are fiscal accountability and best business practices. The department should establish a defined quality improvement process, utilize work plans to manage projects, and establish goals and objectives to measure and assess outcomes. We should routinely solicit citizen feedback about the quality of the services rendered.

I will work hard to earn your trust. I respectfully ask for your vote.


Kae Peterson

The essential obligation of the Fire Department is public safety. Our focus has been on delivering quick response times, using up-to-date equipment and maintaining a dedicated highly trained, physically fit staff of fire fighters.

I am most proud that a few years ago with the downturn in the economy your Fire Board chose to weather the downturn by leaning our administrative services, not filling a firefighter position and cutting expenses where it was possible, always mindful of never negatively impacting response times to our citizens. By doing this we have reserves to handle the loss of taxation payments due to the Bothell annexation, which will have a three-year impact on our budget.

We have had adequate reserves to manage our budget without raising taxes.

We also cooperate with other fire departments to provide needed service throughout the region.

The most important issue facing the department will be finding ways to increase regional cooperation while maintaining high local efficiency and fiscal responsibility. I strongly believe that bigger for bigger sake is not a good rationale for regionalization.

Retaining me to the Northshore Fire Board also will preserve the balanced representation of LFP residents on the Board. Thank you for your support.



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