Shoreline Planning Commission to re-study the setback amendment on Thursday

Monday, September 2, 2013

A subcommittee of the Shoreline Planning Commission will be reporting back to the full Planning Commission at the regular meeting on Thursday, September 5, 2013, 7pm at the Council Chambers in Shoreline City Hall 17500 Midvale Ave N.

Under study will be a reconsideration of the 'transition area setback amendment". The previous change allowed buildings in the transition area on each side of Aurora to be built flush with the street.  Staff report

Neighborhoods objected because traditional single-family housing would potentially face three story, street front buildings across the street.

The public is welcome to attend planning commission meetings and a time is set aside for public comment. The meetings are not recorded or televised.

The planning commission is on the front line, studying issues of land use and zoning, and making recommendations to the city council. The commission is an all-volunteer group, appointed by the City Council.


Anonymous,  September 3, 2013 at 10:12 AM  

If there is no set back coming out of a driveway will be impossible. The nose of a car is at least 2 -3 ft, by then you have either hit a pedestrian or run into a car on the street!

Anonymous,  September 4, 2013 at 12:26 PM  

Why did the city send all property owners in the affected commercial districts post cards soliciting comments or attendance at the planning commission meeting? The city never does the same for affected neighborhoods when there are comprehensive plan, development code, or SEPA comments pending.

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