Noise monitoring equipment deployed by Paine Field Airport at Horizon View Park

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Horizon Air will fly routes over Lake Forest Park

Lake Forest Park residents have been extremely concerned about the placement of commercial airlines at Paine Field, as the flight path goes directly over LFP. 

So far, two commercial airlines (Allegiant and Alaska/Horizon) have applied to establish scheduled flights out of Paine Field. At the request of the City Council, Airport Manager Dave Waggoner gave presentations to the Council in May and June of this year, after which the council passed a resolution of concern about the anticipated expansion of jet flights from the facility and the resulting noise.

Waggoner offered to set up a temporary noise monitoring unit in Lake Forest Park to help give the community and Paine Field a sense of the type of noise, and time and dates to assist in tracking plane flights that might impact noise levels.

A noise monitoring trailer was set up at Horizon View Park on Friday, September 13, 2014 for approximately 10 days. Once the information is gathered it will be available on the City web page and Paine Field web page.

Paine Field has not done this type of monitoring for individual cities before.


Armand November 8, 2013 at 5:19 PM  

I for one look forward to seeing the report on the noise level for LFP. As one of the citizens directly affected, I can tell you it's disturbing. I heard engine noise over the sound of the television, water running in the shower... and it's night and day.

The 747-400 are the worst... but it's all frustrating. It's a very different feel when you're working in your garden and you have to suffer really loud jet and aircraft noises sometimes almost constantly.

I so HOPE the community and the new City Council of LFP will work with Paine Field staff to figure out a way to balance things out...such as a slight alteration to the flight plan which takes it over water...

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