46th Dems to stage candidate forum for Lake Forest Park and Kenmore

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Lake Forest Park and Kenmore Candidate Forum
From the April Demogram

Candidates for offices in Kenmore and Lake Forest Park jurisdictions have been invited to a Candidate Forum on Tuesday, April 16 at Lake Forest Park Town Center (Third Place Books Commons Main Stage) 17171 Bothell Way NE. The program starts at 6:30pm,

In addition to Kenmore and Lake Forest Park candidates, we have also invited candidates for King County Executive and King County Sheriff to this forum.

If you know of anyone running for any Kenmore or Lake Forest Park area races (this includes Kenmore City Council, Lake Forest Park City Council, Shoreline School District, Northshore School District, KC Fire District 16, Lake Forest Park Water District, Shoreline Water District, Northshore Utility District, and Public Hospital District 2) please have them contact David Miller, our Elections Chair, immediately, 

We are working hard to put on a great forum for Kenmore and Lake Forest Park, but we need poten-tial candidates from the area to respond. We’ve been reaching out since March and have had a hard time obtaining responses. We need help from our Kenmore and Lake Forest Park members to encourage candidates to participate. Have them contact us right away.

To participate in the Forum, candidates must fill out the 46th LD Candidate Questionnaire. Visit our website to see copies of completed questionnaires. We post them as they arrive, so don’t forget to check back frequently.


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