Ice Cream Social at Meridian Park Thursday, Mar 14

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sean Murphy, dressed for the part,
samples ice cream for quality control
for the Meridian Park Ice Cream Social
The Meridian Park Neighborhood Association will host an Ice Cream Social on Thursday, March 14th from 7-8pm at the Meridian Park Elementary Cafeteria, Meridian Ave N and N 175. 

Music by Elena DeLisle, face-painting by local students, ice cream with toppings and neighborhood information will be offered at the gathering. Everyone is welcome.

The Bubbleman also plans to make an appearance and provide a short performance for kids and kidults. He has recently moved to Meridian Park and is looking forward to meeting some neighbors.

The Meridian Park Neighborhood Association is in need of more active board members and volunteers who would like to be involved in neighborhood work and activities. Some specific areas of need are photography (for events), general volunteering, community outreach, barter planning and execution, website management, phone calling, entertainment (both performing and producing) fundraising and whatever a person feels called to do.

Talk to people at the Social about your interests and what you would like to do to participate in the neighborhood.


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