Bear Cubs at PAWS Wildlife Center awaken from their slumber

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A sure sign of the coming spring is the “rise and shine” of orphaned bear cubs at PAWS Wildlife Center in Lynnwood.

The wildlife rehabilitation staff at PAWS creates a darkened bear run for the youngsters every year so they may go into hibernation. But it’s not as easy as it sounds.

“Imagine trying to get a room full of kindergartners down for nap time- there’s always one or two kids that just won’t go to sleep?”, says PAWS Naturalist Kevin Mack. “That pretty much describes it.”

PAWS video here (This may or may not play on your computer)

This year the center is hosting seven different cubs rescued from several locations across the northwest. One of them made a dramatic entrance last summer when he arrived with a collapsed lung. PAWS veterinarian staff had to perform their first-ever Pneumothorax surgery to repair the injury. The cub quickly became a celebrity as cable news outlets picked up the story of this adorable orphan, even landing the youngster on World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer.

One of the cubs rescued by PAWS

But despite all the attention, black bear number 12-1577 is still one of the gang in this ragtag group of cubs that spends their time tackling old Christmas trees and knocking down bowling pins.

During their time at PAWS, the cubs get a chance to grow large enough to survive on their own in the wild while learning social skills from the other cubs. If all goes well, and it usually does, the bears will be returned to the wild this spring and summer.


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