WeatherWatcher: 2-weeks of Weekly Weather

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Thursday - Sunday Outlook: We will have some rain move through in the morning of Thursday changing to showers in the afternoon. It looks like we will have some clearing Thursday evening through Friday. We have another storm front pushing through on Saturday to bring another round of rain, leaving showers likely on Sunday. Temperatures will hover between the lower and upper 40's for the next few days. Currently there doesn't seem to be any real storm threats in the near future. Weather will likely be more of the same of the past two weeks at least through the later half of the month. Most forecasts are very consistent with this longer range outlook. Although things can always change, so check back just in case.

Weather Data

January 26th - February 1st:
High temperature: 48.2ºF (Thursday the 31st)
Low temperature: 36.7ºF (Sunday the 27th)
Rainiest day: 0.60 inches (Tuesday the 29th)
Total rainfall: 1.96 inches
Warmest day: 46.0ºF (Thursday the 31st)
Coldest day: 38.7ºF Sunday the 27th)
Average temperature this week: 42.3ºF (2.7ºF above average)
3-year average temperature for this week: 39.6ºF

February 2nd - 8th:
High temperature: 49.5ºF (Tuesday the 5th)
Low temperature: 33.3ºF (Friday the 8th)
Rainiest day: 0.16 inches (Wednesday the 6th)
Total rainfall: 0.45 inches
Warmest day: 44.6ºF (Monday and Tuesday 4th and 5th)
Coldest day: 38.9ºF (Friday)
Average temperature this week: 42.2ºF (0.9ºF below average)
3-year average temperature for this week: 43.1ºF

Warmest and coldest days are based on average temperature of the entire day, starting at midnight. All other averages are based on the whole week, starting Saturday morning at midnight. All weather data unless otherwise noted is sourced from Carl's Shoreline Weather.

For winter storm updates, check out my weather station web page or follow me on Twitter: @SWeatherWatcher


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