Hall says he’ll evaluate election plans now that Dembowski wins appointment to County Council

Monday, February 11, 2013

Shoreline City Councilman Will Hall said Monday that he will re-evaluate his plans for the 2013 election after Seattle attorney Rod Dembowski won appointment to the King County Council over Hall and Democratic 32nd District State Rep, Cindy Ryu. King County Executive Dow Constantine had nominated the three for the seat left vacant when former County Councilman Bob Ferguson became state attorney general.

Dembowski, Hall and Ryu have registered with the State Public Disclosure Commission as candidates for the position in the 2013 election, but Hall also has registered as a candidate for re-election to his City Council seat. Candidates file in May for ballot positions for the August primary and November general election. Hall must decide which position to seek by the end of filing week.

After the other eight County Council members appointed Dembowski, Hall issued the following statement:

"I am honored that so many people worked so hard to show Executive Constantine and the Council that my experience, values, and ethics would make me a great representative for the people of north King County. 
“In their deliberations today, the King County Council acknowledged my exceptional qualifications and commitment to public service, so we got our messages across. However, I was one of three strong candidates, along with State Rep. Cindy Ryu and Attorney Rod Dembowski. After discussing the strengths of all three, they voted to appoint Rod Dembowski to fill the vacancy created when Bob Ferguson was elected as Attorney General. 
“I don't know Rod well, but I have seen him work very hard on his campaign over the past few months.  I look forward to getting to know him better as he transitions into his new role. 
“Over the next few days, I will be talking with family, friends, and supporters to evaluate my options. It has been an honor to serve as an elected council member for the City of Shoreline, and it would certainly be an honor to win a seat on the King County Council. Either way, I remain committed to representing my community with my values of trust, respect, and service. I will continue to work for the health and sustainability of our economy, our environment, and our neighborhoods.”


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