Early morning fire damages apartments on Richmond Beach Road

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Meadowbrook Apartment fire
Photo by Keith McGlashan

Very early Sunday morning, a towering column of thick smoke marked a fire at the Meadowbrook Apartments at 1406 NW Richmond Beach Road. Shortly before midnight on Saturday, ladder trucks and Emergency Response Units from both Shoreline, Northshore, and Edmonds answered the call. The fire was largely confined to three apartments, one above another, on the back side of the complex.

The two alarm fire destroyed three King County housing apartment units -- and caused minor damage to at least six other apartments

Meadowbrook Apartment fire
Photo by Keith McGlashan

The Red Cross was at the scene, assisting three families who lost everything -- and numerous other evacuated residents who spent the night in a makeshift shelter at the Spin Alley Bowling Center.

The fire broke out around midnight in the Meadowbrook Apartment Complex at 1406 Richmond Beach Road.   

Shoreline Firefighters arrived to find heavy smoke and flames visible from units on the first, second and third floors.   

Meadowbrook Apartment fire
Photo by Keith McGlashan

Shoreline crews were assisted by Northshore Fire and Snohomish County Fire District One in the two alarm blaze.    

Fire crews knocked down the fire within 15 minutes and kept it from spreading throughout the large multi-family apartment complex. No one was injured during the incident -- but many spent the night awake, cold and uneasy as they watched fire crews battle the blaze, and during the all-night clean up and investigation.

Meadowbrook Apartment fire - the next day
Photo by Marc Weinberg

Dozens of residents evacuated will be unable to return to their homes until mid to late in the day Sunday.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

This is the second apartment fire in two days.


Anonymous,  November 12, 2012 at 1:31 PM  

Apparently there were no water problems encountered by Shoreline Fire that the City alleged were present in this area as part of their SPU acquisition campaign.

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