Letter to the Editor: I prefer my taxes to go to Shoreline

Saturday, October 13, 2012

To The Editor,

I am writing in support to Proposition 1. Proposition 1 is proposed by the people we voted into office. I trust our council members’ judgment, due diligence, and aspirations for Shoreline: that’s why we voted for them.  The councils’ online literature shows significant research into this proposal by a variety of professionals, not just the council members.

Proposition 1 (Shoreline Ordinance 644) authorizes Shoreline to acquire Seattle Public Utilities water services in Shoreline west of Interstate 5 without increasing projected rates. There is no mention of either Ronald Wastewater District or Shoreline Water District. The costs are explicitly stated. There is “no blank check”.

Right now, our water taxes go to Seattle. I prefer my taxes go to Shoreline. I like our good roads, police and fire protection, and our fabulous schools. Isn’t that why people live here – for all the common benefits?
Sheila Long


Anonymous,  October 13, 2012 at 8:29 PM  

Earlier you stated on 10/7/2012 that Shoreline pays 42% taxes on SPU, and there is no factual basis for your claim in your comment to support this claim.

If you go to this website, you will find out how your bill is broken down: http://www.seattle.gov/util/MyServices/Water/WaterRates/WaterRatesFAQs/index.htm

Only 17.9% are taxes - state & local in the chart, pretty creative math. You don't seem to have very carefully read the City of Shoreline's materials, your own water bill, or bothered to determine if the City of Shoreline is biased in their presentation.

Tell me, do you drive on Seattle streets, go to the Seattle Center, the Benaroya Concert Hall, Safeco Field, CenturyLink to watch the Seahawks, visit the University of Washington, shop at the Northgate Mall (or use the park & ride terminal), go to Carkeek (or Magnuson off-leash to swim your dog) Park, just to name a few places in Seattle? Did you know that Seattle provides mutual aid to Shoreline for fire & police protection? Complain all you will about Seattle but most people in Shoreline work and shop in Seattle.

John Behrens,  October 14, 2012 at 10:10 AM  

The comments praise the fire and school services in our city. These services are provided by special purpose districts like Shoreline Water and Ronald Wastewater. We as citizens own and operate them. Let's think about the differences in financing. City Hall's plan is to borrow money to operate a utility budget, and, as is obvious from this proposal, finances future wants and needs with bond issues. Thus they pay for todays needs with tomorrows funds with additional costs to everyone to pay for interest on borrowed money. Ronald Waste Water and Shoreline Water District project future needs for maintenance and growth and generally operate with fund balances necessary to cover projected needs. Thus they pay for today, today. This helps assure lower rates for consumers. We have invested in a type of bank to take care of our current and future needs and now City Hall intends to break open the vault, take the money, and change the entire system.

Sheila Long,  October 14, 2012 at 10:32 AM  

Anonymous, please state your name.

I stated *I* was paying that much tax. I was looking at my actual water bill to get those tax percentages. If you would like to meet me at city hall I would be glad to bring my bill to show you.

I am not complaining about Seattle per se - just sending them my water tax dollars! People all over the area go to Seattle, Edmonds, Lynnwood - do you suggest we all pay utility taxes to wherever we travel?

Mr. Behrens, thank you for using your name. You bring up many salient points. I just differ as to the interpretation of those items. I feel we can agree to disagree.

Anonymous,  October 14, 2012 at 4:07 PM  

I have the same water bill as you do, I am an SPU customer. In referring to your comment you posted on 10/7/2012, you cited not your water bill as the source of your 42% in taxes but the City of Shoreline website. The City of Shoreline is counting the cost (or expense) of water delivery to Lake Forest Park, Burien, and Shoreline customers of 14% as a "tax." Costs and expenses are not taxes. Furthermore, Washington State also charges taxes, but the City of Shoreline lumps these taxes into what is paid to Seattle -- Seattle collects these taxes and then pays them to Washington State much as Safeway and Costco would. This is dishonest & misleading on the part of the City of Shoreline. Finally, the Cities of Lake Forest Park & Shoreline charge their customers a franchise fee (or a "tax") of 6% that Burien and the unincorporated areas like White Center do not pay.

Now do you understand your bill? Only 17% is a tax under the law. I don't need to meet you at City Hall to explain your bill to you.

Sheila Long,  October 15, 2012 at 8:15 AM  

Anonymous, if you do not state your name your credibility is lost.

I tallied the percentage from my bill. If you read it otherwise, then I wasn't clear enough and apologize.

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