Letter to the Editor: Divided we fall

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

To the Editor:

In the divisive, acrimonious atmosphere of this election season we hear the left opine that the right is heartless, arrogant, out of touch while the right accuses the left of being tree huggers against progress and the entrepreneurial spirit. 

It feels like we have become irretrievably divided into idealistic camps and have forgotten what it means to work as a community. Have we truly allowed fear and intolerance to rule us to the extent that we no longer trust or celebrate those differences that have made this country the  example of true democracy in the world? 

After the election is decided about half of us will be thrilled and the other disappointed. Isn't it possible that we could aspire to remember the greatness of an America where all ideas are respected and considered again? 

I believe we can only hate those we have never taken the time to know as part of our human family. I would encourage everyone to make the courageous effort to find someone whose politics, religion, lifestyle or beliefs are diametrically opposed to your own and invite them for coffee or dinner. Agree to share your stories without acrimony, interruption or fear. Respectfully listen to the other person, shake hands and say thank you.

It's long past time for us to remember the old warning, "divided we fall" and remember we will only survive if we survive together.

David R Matthews


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