Shoreline residents form “Local Control for Shoreline” to support the passage of Shoreline’s Proposition 1

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

From left, William (Bill) Montero, Sis Polin, Joseph Irons
Steering committee for Yes on Prop 1: Local Control
for Shoreline

This commentary came from Shoreline citizens' group Local Control for Shoreline
We invite opposing groups to send a response -- Editor

On August 6, 2012, the Shoreline City Council voted unanimously to place Proposition No. 1, the acquisition of the Seattle Public Utility (SPU) water system in Shoreline, on the November 6, 2012 ballot. If approved by Shoreline voters, Shoreline will acquire the water system within Shoreline that is currently owned by the City of Seattle.   The SPU system in Shoreline serves 2/3 of the City and is primarily west of I-5. 

A group of Shoreline citizens formed a pro committee to spearhead the “Yes! Shoreline Proposition 1:  Local Control for Shoreline,” campaign in support of the ballot measure.  The co-chairs of the committee are Joseph Irons and William (Bill) Montero and the treasurer is Sis Polin. 

The committee supports acquiring the SPU system because:
  • No increase in property taxes or projected water rates will be necessary to purchase and operate the system.
  • Currently all decisions are made by Seattle.  Shoreline rate payers have no direct say in how rates, charges and taxes are set and spent or the priorities for maintenance and capital improvements.
  • Shoreline residents and businesses currently pay a 14% water surcharge to Seattle for living outside of Seattle.
  • In addition to the surcharge Shoreline residents and businesses pay a 15% utility tax to the City of Seattle that helps fund Seattle parks, police and fire.
  • Shoreline water revenues should be invested in Shoreline – not Seattle.

Recognizing that Shoreline voters would ultimately vote on the acquisition, Shoreline’s City Manager appointed a Citizen Steering Committee in January 2012 to obtain advice on whether the City should proceed with the acquisition. A 23 member citizen steering committee studied this issue for six months. In June, twenty-one of the members recommended that the City proceed with the acquisition. 

To learn more about Proposition 1, go to the Local Control for Shoreline website.



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