Schedule for Saturday's SummerSet Arts Festival: Celebrating Ronald Bog

Friday, September 14, 2012

Follow the tree socks to SummerSet Arts Festival Saturday
Photo by Susan Armstrong

Colorful knitted tree socks herald the arrival of SummerSet Arts Festival this coming Saturday afternoon from 1pm-5pm at Ronald Bog Park on N 175th at Meridian and I-5 in Shoreline. 35 Knitters spent 2 1/2 months making 54 socks. Susan Armstrong organized the order of the socks and directed the installation last Saturday with much encouragement from passing drivers.

Now it's time to follow the socks to the park for the festival!

The festival schedule includes:
  • 4 tents of Live Acoustic Music including: country, jazz, bluegrass, old-time, cajun, folk, and Renaissance music
  • Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition
  • All Ages art-making
  • Jellyfish Storytelling
  • Live Landscape Painting
  • Park and Arboretum Tours

Highlights include:

  • 1 - 3pm - Hula Hooping performance and demonstration
  • 2 - 2:20pm - Duwamish Tribe "Singing Feet" Drumming and Dance Troupe Share Culture
  • 2:30 - 4pm - Bluegrass Jam led by Jack Boyer
  • 2:30 - 3:30pm - Brittain Barber Jazz Duo
  • 3pm - Historical Talk about Ronald Bog - Vicki Stiles, Director, Shoreline Historical Museum
  • 3pm - Family dance led by caller Amy Carroll and accompanied by Whistlepig
  • 4:15pm - 5pm - Paul Anastasio and Elena Delisle-Perry play Music from Terra Caliente, Mexico

Come down, meet your neighbors and enjoy a late summer afternoon together. Mike's Hot Dogz and Yvette's Ice Cream will be on hand, and picnicking is also very welcome. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and spend the afternoon enjoying the recently restored Ronald Bog Park! 

Parking is available at Meridian Park Elementary School located on Meridian Ave N just south of N 175th St. For more information, call 206-218-3302.

SummerSet Arts Festival: Celebrating Ronald Bog is sponsored by Meridian Park Neighborhood Association through a City of Shoreline mini-grant. Shoreline Parks Department endorses the event and Shoreline - LFP Arts Council is a co-sponsor.


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