Lake Forest Park Streamkeepers to count insects Saturday

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Saturday September 22, 2012: BIBI Monitoring Event

StreamKeepers conducts its annual inventory of insects in McAleer and Lyon Creeks on one Saturday in late September or early October. Insect collection is done in teams and training is provided. This activity consists of collecting aquatic insects and other small organisms from small areas of the stream beds in several locations. 

The samples collected will be analyzed by a trained entomologist, with results available in several weeks. We follow a process developed by a UW professor, which is technically known as BIBI (Benthic Inventory of Biologic Integrity).

This inventory is perhaps the most important stream monitoring activity we do, as it gives a basic assessment of overall stream health that can be compared with other streams in Western Washington. It is also the most fun, and a good way to become "intimately" familiar with our streams.

Anyone interested in helping is most welcome! Contact Mark Phillips, 206-388-7284) for information about meeting location and time.


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