WeatherWatcher: Weekly Weather - Heat Wave on the Way.

Monday, August 13, 2012

- Heat wave on the way.
- Last week's weather data.

A new heat wave is on the way for our region.  
  • Monday-Tuesday: We will have high temperatures running in the lower 80's with overnight lows in the mid-upper 50's. 
  • Wednesday-Friday: We are looking at a new heat wave that looks likely to produce high temperatures running into the low-mid 90's, lows running probably into the low 60's.
  • Next weekend: Will cool down, however it is looking like, as typical with heat waves, we will possibly cool down with thunderstorms.

Last weeks weather data (August 4th - 10th):
High temperature: 91.9ºF (Sunday)
Low temperature: 52.3ºF (Friday)
No measurable rainfall last week.
Warmest day: 76.4ºF (Sunday)
Coldest day: 62.5ºF (Thursday)
Average temperature last week: 66.9ºF

3-year average temperature for last week: 62.1ºF
We were 4.8ºF above normal last week.

Warmest and coldest days are based on average temperature of the entire day, starting at midnight.  All other averages are based on the whole week, starting Saturday morning at midnight. All weather data unless otherwise noted is sourced from Carl's Shoreline Weather Station.

Twitter: @SWeatherWatcher


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