
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Police encourage residents to be alert and take preventative measures to curb burglary trends

Shoreline Police report an increase in the total number of burglaries and attempted burglaries in 2012 compared to this time of year in 2011. The increase is seen in both residential and commercial burglaries. Residential burglaries and attempted burglaries rose from 128 to 195. Commercial burglaries and attempted burglaries are slightly up from 48 to 55.

Police are also reporting a concerning trend.

 “Each month we see that 30-50% of burglaries to Shoreline homes is non-forced entry -- meaning easy access was given to thieves by not locking doors or windows,” stated Police Chief Shawn Ledford. “Don’t invite a burglar into your home; lock your doors and windows and check for structural weaknesses.” 

Ledford also instructs homeowners and business owners to consider installing an alarm system, report suspicious cars and people, and contact the Shoreline Police Department to have an officer assist in setting up a neighborhood Block Watch meeting. Neighbors who attend the meeting will be informed on crimes trends in the area, crime prevention tips and services the Shoreline Police Department provides.

Alert residents play a significant role in helping to reduce crime and catching suspects. Any time you see suspicious activity, call 911. The sooner you call, the sooner police can respond. An organized and active Block Watch group is also an important feature that will help you reduce crime in your neighborhood. A Block Watch is formed by a group of neighbors who are interested in mutual protection against burglary and other neighborhood crime. These neighbors agree to watch out for one another's homes and report unusual incidents to the police.

Take steps now to avoid becoming a victim. Shoreline Police Storefront Officers and Police Volunteers are always ready to provide crime prevention information. They can even come to your home or business, at your convenience, to provide a free security survey (known as a CPTED survey). Visit the Block Watch and Business Watch sections of the police webpage.

For more information contact Officer Greg McKinney at 206-363-8424 or Officer Leona Obstler at 206-546-3636.

1 comment:

  1. Good report. The accompanying graph would be easier to read if the months ascended left to right like most graphs. Also, the graph does not support the increasing trend theme; based strictly on the data displayed, there appears to be no trend at all.


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