Letter to the Editor: Why did my water bill increase 25%?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

To the Editor

The following is a letter I sent to the Shoreline Water District Board of Commissioners:

I was rather surprised to find that my 6/15/2012 bill from the Shoreline Water District reflected a whopping 25% increase over the same usage earlier in the year. I read the enclosed note that accompanied the bill, but it hardly explained the 25% increase.

I then went to the Shoreline Water District website to find a more detailed rationale for such a large increase. I reviewed the minutes from your board meetings leading up to the board action authorizing the rate increase. Again there was not a reasonable explanation for a 25% residential rate increase.

I think you owe a thorough explanation to your customers. I'm not necessarily saying that a 25% increase is not justified - you just need to clearly tell me why.

Carolyn Armanini
Lake Forest Park


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