Regional Dahlia show to be held in Shoreline August 25-26

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Updated 8-15-2012 12:43pm

Displays from the 2011 show. 2012 at Sky Nursery, will be much bigger
Photo courtesy PSDA

The West's largest dahlia show presents thousands of dazzling blooms in a new venue! See the riot of colorful dahlias bathed in natural light at Shoreline's Sky Nursery. Baskets, arrangements, vases and more - it is a feast for the eyes! There will be three presentations on dahlia culture and a chance to meet dahlia experts.

PSDA Dahlia Show, August 25 and 26, 2012
Saturday Hours: 9 am – 6 pm (store hours)
Sunday Hours: 9 am – 4 pm

18528 Aurora Avenue North
Shoreline, WA 98133

Organizers say, "At last the Puget Sound Dahlia Association has returned to a fitting location to present its annual show - it will take over a large part of Sky Nursery’s new greenhouse and so can show off the variety and many forms of this popular flower."

Dahlia floral arrangement
Photo courtesy PSDA

The store will be awash in dahlias: filling almost 100 tables and several other displays the PSDA  -  America’s leading dahlia club  -  hope to attract the public that until this year had to take in dahlia shows in smaller venues or shopping malls.
"This is the continent’s Number One dahlia growing area, and at last we have a show location that is worthy of the dahlia!"

Seattle would lose $2 million a year by selling water utility to Shoreline

Monopoly card
According to an article in Publicola, the sale of Seattle Public Utilities' water utility assets —pipelines, pumps, and meters -- to Shoreline could cost the City of Seattle $2 million a year and raise Seattle ratepayers' water rates 2-4%.

Shoreline is something of a cash cow for Seattle,  considering the 15.4 percent utility tax and 14 percent surcharge Shoreline pays to Seattle for its water - and according to Shoreline staff and council, SPU reinvests very little of that money back into Shoreline.

”They’re a profit center for us. We’re making a fair amount of money,” SPU spokesman Andy Ryan says."
Shoreline staff also project that the revenue that now goes to Seattle would be enough to pay the purchase price and upgrade the physical equipment. See City page on SPU.

So why would Seattle want to sell to Shoreline? 
The article quotes SPU corporate policy and performance director Judy Gladstone: "It’s really about being good neighbors and feeling it’s the right thing to do, even though it may be that the costs are higher for the folks in [Seattle],"

Meridian Park Classic Car Show Sunday August 5

The show is held in the parking lot of Meridian Park Elementary school, at the intersection of Meridian Ave N and N 175th, across from Ronald Bog. The school is the beneficiary of the event.

For classic car lovers, this is one of the biggest shows in the area, attracting dozens of entries and thousands of spectators. 

10 am to 3 pm.

Shoreline Jazz Camp Student and Faculty Ensembles at North City Jazz Walk

Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council and Era Living / Aljoya Present:
Featuring: The Shoreline Jazz Camp Student and Faculty Ensembles
As part of the North City Jazz Walk
Industrial Air Systems parking lot, 17739 15th Ave NE, Shoreline
Tuesday, August 14, 7 pm. 

Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council and Era Living / Aljoya are proud to present Summer Concerts in the Park. Student and Faculty Ensembles from the Shoreline Jazz Camp will perform as part of the North City Jazz Walk on Tuesday, August 14 at 7 pm. This free concert will take place on the Showmobile Stage in the Industrial Air parking lot at 17739 15th Ave NE. Over 60 middle school and high school students gather for a 7 day intensive Jazz Camp, gaining hands on experience with some of the finest musicians in the Northwest.

North City Jazz Walk is August 14, 7-10 pm, on 15th NE, between NE 175th and NE 180th.
This annual event, returning for the 6th year, is a must do for jazz lovers.
Come early and enjoy “Jazz Bites” delicious food items specifically provided for the event.

Iconic jazz vocalist Greta Matassa headlines the North City Jazz Walk with the dynamic Critical Mass Big Band at St. Mark Church.

Advanced tickets for $12 are on sale now. Capacity at indoor venues is limited so buy tickets early at designated locations or online. Tickets will be available at the event for $15. Parking is plentiful and free. Here is a map of the venues, artist profiles, parking, and Jazz Bite offerings.

The North City Jazz Walk is produced by the North City Business Association (NCBA) in partnership with the City of Shoreline, the Shoreline/Lake Forest Park Arts Council and by generous in-kind contributions from the Journal Magazine and CleanScapes.

Letter to the Editor: Ronald Wastewater should be taken over by the City

To the Editor

Ronald Wastewater has done a good job in the past providing sewer services to Shoreline, but the recent appointment of Arne Lind back to the Board of Commissioners is the very reason that Ronald should be taken over by the City of Shoreline.  Bob Ransom won the election to Arne's previous position as a commissioner in the 2011 election, but the other two commissioners don't like his stance on the planned incorporation of Ronald into the City of Shoreline, so they increased the commissoners from three to five and appointed Arne back to the board.  Now the current board of four commissioners will vote on the fifth commissioner and the deck is stacked against Bob and his pro-city stance in favor or a pro-status quo stance.  This is a clear end-run around the election process and the very reason that Ronald should be taken over by the City of Shoreline as outlined in the 2002 Interlocal Agreement betweent the two parties by 2017.

Tracy Tallman

New Varsity Girls Soccer Coach at Shorewood

Bill Wilkins
Shorewood Soccer

Bill Wilkins has been hired as the new Varsity Girls Soccer Coach at Shorewood High School. Bill replaces Nate Davis, who resigned in July after accepting a teaching job at Woodinville High School.

Bill served as the Junior Varsity Boys Coach at Shorewood last spring and was slated to be the JV Girls coach this fall, prior to Davis' resignation.

"Bill is a long time and successful community coach at both the recreation and Premier level. We are looking forward to having Bill on our coaching staff and continue to build the T-Bird program," said Don Dalziel, District athletic director. First day of fall turnout for the T-Bird soccer team is Monday, August 20.

King County Assessor Lloyd Hara reports on the past year

Lloyd Hara
King County Assessor
Information from an informal newsletter that Lloyd Hara sends occasionally

By Lloyd Hara, King County Assessor

Earlier this month I went to Pittsburgh for the National Organization of County Officials (NACO) convention. On behalf of the Department of Assessments, I proudly accepted 2012 Achievement Awards for:

  • Our GIS (Geographic Information System) Integrator
  • A Re-engineered Property Valuation Notice Program
  • The eReal Property web app

There's more where that came from. Recall a minor media frenzy back in July of 2010? "County Office Buys iPads During Tough Economic Times"!

That edgy investment evolved into iRealProperty™, an app that helps appraisers work smarter during these tough economic times, in ways that are drawing attention around the state and around the nation.

We also demo'd BOE eAppeals to WSACA's CTC. [Translation: our Board Of Equalization online appeals tool, at the Washington State Association of County Assessors' Computer Technology Committee - which I chair, by the way.] We plan to roll out eAppeals for general public use later in 2012.

As usual I'm bopping around the County - 475 outreach events and counting - to meet with civic groups, real estate people, local officials and inquiring taxpayers.

I'm not on the ballot this year, but several tax-related items are. These include a 7-year property tax levy for Seattle libraries, a 9-year levy for County youth services, and a 30-year levy for Seattle's seawall.

As the Seattle Times reminds us in a striking editorial page graphic illustration, a major share of property taxes in King County are voter-approved. Please pay close attention to the tax levies on your August primary and November general election ballots.

As promised, we revived the Department's college internship program, and four of our interns just completed their Masters in Public Administration at the UW Evans School of Public Affairs.

This graduate school's 50th Anniversary in 2012 has deep meaning for one public servant whose career began at the School, at its beginning, back in 1962.

Marking this milestone, I set up an Endowed Fund to open doors for worthy Evans scholars from diverse backgrounds with particular interest in local government.

Ronald UMC Vacation Bible School Aug. 9-12

Ronald UMC Vacation Bible School Aug. 9-12
Join OPERATION OVERBOARD for faith and fun!

Ronald United Methodist Church, 17839 Aurora Ave. N, Shoreline, will offer faith and fun with Vacation Bible School Aug. 9-12. This year’s theme is Operation Overboard: Dare to Go Deep with God! Children will become divers in training as we plunge into God’s Word and discover stories of deep faith. 

There will be music, science activities, arts, and recreation, as well as snacks. The registration fee is $5 per child, and scholarships are available. The VBS schedule is Thursday and Friday, 5-8:30 p.m. each day; Saturday, 9:30-3:30 p.m.; Sunday, 10-11:30 a.m. during the worship service. For information, or to register, call the church office at 206-542-2484.

Community Knitalong at Ronald Bog Park on Sunday August 5th, 1pm-4pm

Community Knitalong at Ronald Bog Park on Sunday August 5th, 1pm-4pm

Yarn - Bombers Unite! Make tree socks not war! Would you like to contribute your knitting skills to a worthy and artistic cause? Come to community knitalong at Ronald Bog Park. Bring a chair or blanket to sit on. The yarn and needles/loom are provided along with instruction. For more info contact Cynthia.

“KCWOC Youth Outreach Day” August 25 noon to 4:30pm

“KCWOC Youth Outreach Day”

Kingdom Community Worship & Outreach Center, a local Shoreline ministry that meets on the campus of Shoreline Community College, on Friday nights at 7:30pm will be hosting its first annual, Youth Day Outreach, August 25, 2012 in the court yard of Shoreline Community College from 12:00pm to 4:30pm. 

The day will be filled with a festival type atmosphere with fun games, face painting, bracelet making, puppet shows, dancing, Christian & Gospel music, free hotdogs, beverages and chips. There will be 200 free backpacks, given away filled with schools supplies, while supplies last. To top off the outreach, Dr. Fairest Hill, will be delivering an inspirational and motivational speech to the youth and parents. 

Dr. Fairest Hill is an international motivational speaker and recording artist who resides in Tampa Bay, Florida. Dr. Fairest Hill was born and raised in the inner city of Detroit, Michigan. He was labeled “functionally illiterate” and was failing in school until the intervention of a caring, committed teacher and his gift for music changed his life. At an early age, Dr. Hill made a commitment to be a success in life, no matter what the cost. Regardless of the negative influences that surrounded him, he remained faithful to his goal.

After graduating from Central High School with honors, Dr. Hill continued his education at the Detroit College of Business and Golden Pacific University where he earned his Master’s Degree in Business Administration. While he was working on his education he was also employed at the Children’s Hospital in Detroit, MI. During his seven year tenure there, Dr. Hill rose from Maintenance to Admittance then on to the Credit Department. He later received a Master’s and Doctoral Degree of Divinity from Friends International University.

Some of the sponsors for this event is Toys-for-Tots, Edward Jones Investments, Northside Drill Team and Inside/Out Ministries. Come join KCWOC for this family fun event on August 25th Noon to 4:30pm in the court yard of Shoreline Community College.

This is not a Shoreline Community College Sponsored Event

Jazz garage band practices for Jazz Walk

Not your typical garage band
Photo by Devon Vose Rickabaugh
The eighteen member jazz band Critical Mass practices for a Richmond Highlands neighborhood crowd in Robin and Keith McClelland's garage. Featured singer Greta Matassa will perform with the band at the North City Jazz Walk on Tuesday August 14.

Robin McClelland and North City Jazz Walk poster
Photo by Devon Vose Rickabaugh

Malcolm Harris, a member of the band, says he's in charge of "whipping" the large group together to practice each week and getting them to performances. Band members are not professional musicians, but Harris said that after Keith McClelland took over directing the band it became tighter and more professional. Mainly they get together because they love to play jazz.

Robin and Keith McClelland are part of the organizing committee for the North City Jazz Walk.

Voice and drums fill St Barnabas Church on Nigerian Sunday

Nigerian women lead a joyful celebration of son
Photo by Ralph Nichols

Nigerian ladies led members of Sunday's overflow congregation at Nigerian Sunday at St Barnabas Church in Shoreline, singing in their native language, accompanied by drummers.

Almost 100 Nigerians attended the service, making this the largest such event in St. Barnabas history. St. Barnabas has about 20-25 Nigerians who attend regularly, so members were delighted with the outreach.

This was a true celebration, which lasted almost 30 minutes!

African drums
Photo by Ralph Nichols

Drummers and their African drums provided a backbeat for the singing - the combination produced great sound and rhythm.

Death notices as of July 22, 2012

Obituaries are condensed biographies of people's lives, written by the people who loved them. Like a memorial service, they tell us things we may not have known about the person, and may leave us wishing we had known them better.

James Lailey 1959-2012 Moved to Seattle area in 1959 and graduated from Shorecrest High School.
Arthur D. "Art" Reddick 1914-2012 "Art and Edna lived in Bellingham and Richmond Beach, where their two children, Gary and Barbara were raised."
Dennis Norman Drake 1946-2012 Elder in the LDS Church.
Joyce E. (Davis) Pollino 1924-2012 of Shoreline.
Kim J. Preston 1956-2012 Lived in Shoreline 1984-2007. "Volunteer and coach for Richmond Junior Football and Richmond Little League. He served proudly as President of Richmond Little League from 2002-2007."
William R. "Bill" Shertzer 1925-2012 "During his career in Shoreline Schools, he taught 6th grade, was a Principal at Brookside Elementary, and became Assistant Superintendent, in charge of personnel."
Ellen Florence Hanvey 1921-2012  "Remembrance donations can be made in Ellen's honor to Shoreline Community College"
Donald R. Edwards 1917-2012  Died in Shoreline at age 90. Services at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Shoreline.
Gregory Lee Gilbertson 1947-2012 Went to school in Shoreline, attended Ridgecrest Baptist Church.
Gary Victor Wilgus 1939-2012 Celebration of Life held at Lake Forest Park Civic Club.
Ora June Erickson 1929-2012  Gifted artist. Services at New Hope Christian Center in Shoreline.
Leanne "Lanni" Peterson -2012 Services at St Luke Catholic Church, Shoreline.
Beatrice M. Williams -2012 aged 106. Services at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Shoreline.
Mary E. Irvine 1946-2011 Accomplished basket weaver and jewelry maker. Celebration of Life at Shoreline Unitarian Universalist Church.
Donald Gunnar Johnson 1928-2012  Shoreline resident. Long time employee of Washington State Dept of Game.
Lori J. Cella  1937-2012 Resident of Shoreline.
Harry Speiser 1921-2012 Memorials to be made to the First Lutheran Church of Richmond Beach.
F. Wesley Walls 1916-2012 Died in Shoreline. Minister and professor of political science, world traveler, long time student of world religions and political systems.
Priscilla Chong Jue  -2012 died in Shoreline after a long and happy life. Interests included  designing and constructing parade floats and costumes, ice skating, and Hawaiian Dance. Services at Crista.
Tommy M. Rizzuto 1938-1973 Lived in Lake Forest Park 45 years. Started Regal Construction and Regal Hardwood floors and worked until he was 73. Youth sports coach for decades.
Jess Kritsis -2012 Services at Evergreen Baptist Church in Shoreline.
William Joseph "Joe" Sadler 1937-2012 Died in Lake Forest Park. Rosary at St Mark in Shoreline. 
Larry Paul Erskine 1947-2012 Services at Berean Bible Church in Shoreline.
Joyce Elaine Chetnik 1926-2012 Retired from Shoreline Community College in 1981 after teaching business administration.
John A. Steed 1924-2012 Memorial at 1st Lutheran Richmond Beach.

Seattle Times endorses Gonzalez, Hilyer, Owens for State Supreme Court

By Evan Smith

Our news partner, The Seattle Times has endorsed incumbent State Supreme Court Justices Steve Gonzalez and Susan Owens, and Bruce Hilyer, a candidate for an open Supreme-Court seat, in the Aug. 7 primary election.

Gonzalez faces one challenger, Owens faces two challengers, and Hilyer faces three other candidates. Any candidate who gets a majority in the primary runs unopposed in the Nov. 6 general election. If no candidate gets a majority of the votes for a position, the top two vote getters run off in November.

The Times editorial board notes that Gonzalez was appointed in January by Gov. Chris Gregoire to replace a justice who had reached the mandatory retirement age, 75. Gonzalez faces Seattle attorney Bruce O. Danielson.

The Times cites Owens’ 12 years of experience on the Supreme Court and says that she has deep support in the legal community. Owens faces Seattle attorney Douglas W. McQuaid and Arlington attorney Scott Stafne.

Finally, a Times editorial said, “King County Superior Court Judge Hilyer is our choice for the seat being vacated by Justice Tom Chambers. Hilyer, 61, has been a prosecutor and a judge.” Hilyer faces former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders, trial and appellate lawyer Sheryl Gordon McCloud and former Pierce County prosecuting attorney and County executive John W. Ladenburg.

See the Times editorial recommending Gonzalez and Owens here.

See the Times editorial recommending Hilyer here.

See a summary of all Seattle Times endorsements here

WeatherWatcher: Weekly Weather - Almost like Summer

-The week ahead

-Breaking 80°F a challenge
-Weather data for July 21st - 27th

For the remainder of the week it is looking like we will have morning clouds, breaking to a partly cloudy days.  Wednesday and Friday are the most promising days for sunshine.  There is even a possibility of a rain shower Thursday.  Highs will struggle to break the 70°F throughout the week.

If you're upset about not having any decent warm (above 80°F) days, the rest of the nation should be so lucky with most areas breaking triple digit numbers these past few weeks.  Our Pacific Ocean air conditioning has been on full blast almost every day so far this summer.  We've broken 80°F a grand total of two days so far this year. Both days were in July, both days topping at a high temperature of 82°F, July 12th, and July 26th.  

We may still get a warm spell sometime around or beyond mid-August, but I'm not expecting anything to break the 90°F, and certainly no triple digits likely this summer here.

Last week's weather data, July 21st - 27th:
High temperature: 82.0°F (Thursday)
Low temperature: 50.7°F (Tuesday)
Rainiest day: 0.08 inches (Monday)
Total rainfall: 0.12 inches
Warmest day: 66.9°F (Thursday)
Coldest day: 56.6°F (Monday)
Average temperature: 61.6°F

We are actually averaging 2.8°F warmer than normal.
Normal average temperature for that week: 58.8°F

Warmest and coldest days are based on average temperature of the entire day, starting at midnight.  All other averages are based on the whole week, starting Saturday morning at midnight.  All weather data unless otherwise noted is sourced from Carl's Shoreline Weather Station.

Twitter: @SWeatherWatcher

County council approves alignments for RapidRide lines from Shoreline to Seattle

Monday, July 30, 2012

Metro Rapid Ride Bus

County council approves alignments for RapidRide lines from Shoreline to Seattle and Burien to Renton. E and F lines to provide faster, more frequent service.

With RapidRide E and F lines set to begin service next year, the Metropolitan King Council today approved alignments and station locations for the transit lines connecting Shoreline with Seattle, and Burien with Renton.

“As a regular bus commuter, I am looking forward to the improved service we will see as a result of implementing these RapidRide lines,” said Councilmember Bob Ferguson, whose Council district includes north Seattle and Shoreline. “Adding RapidRide service from Shoreline to Downtown on the Aurora corridor will improve transit mobility along one of the region’s most heavily used bus corridors.”

The E Line will run the length of Aurora Boulevard from Shoreline and north Seattle to downtown Seattle. It will offer frequent service to the busy Aurora Village Transit Center, and provide key connections for residents who live east and west of Aurora.

The E Line will benefit from at least six additional lane-miles of BAT lanes and transit signal priority at 17 intersections.

The F Line in South King County will travel from the Burien Transit Center – via SeaTac and Tukwila – to downtown Renton, with a possible future extension to The Landing in North Renton. It will stop at both the Link light rail and Sounder train stations in Tukwila, plus connect workers to jobs at Sea-Tac Airport, Boeing worksites, and the Southcenter retail area.

The overall travel time savings for riders on the RapidRide E and F Lines will be 7 to 10 minutes.  The improved travel time is a result of:

  • Faster boarding, especially at stations, where ORCA card users and other pass holders can enter through any of the three doors;
  • Signal priory for transit at intersections and in-lane stops, which keep the buses moving;
  • Business Access Transit (“BAT”) lanes; and
  • Consolidated stops.

At the highest ridership stops, RapidRide stations will be installed, which feature a shelter, benches, bicycle racks, electronic signs indicating how soon the next bus will arrive, and an ORCA card reader so riders can “tap on” before the bus arrives and enter through any of the RapidRide bus’ three doors. 

RapidRide distinctive red-and-yellow buses are energy efficient, low-emission hybrid vehicles with low floors and three doors for easier, faster boarding.

Since RapidRide debuted in 2009, Metro has seen significant ridership growth in those corridors compared to the regular bus routes they replaced. Similar ridership gains are expected for the C and D lines that debut this September in Ballard/Uptown and West Seattle, and again when the E and F lines start up.

Obituary: Coach Rizzuto 1938-2012

Tommy M. Rizzuto of Lake Forest Park lost his battle with Pancreatic cancer on July 10, 2012, at age 73.
"Known simply as "Coach" to many youth in the Shoreline area, Tom was an active volunteer in the community for over 50 years. He was a member, director and coach of both Univac and North King County Little League from 1971 through 1989. Tom went on to coach the freshman football team at Shorecrest High School. 
"Tom was actively involved as a player, coach and sponsor of mens fastpitch softball starting in 1955, leading his teams to 4 national tournaments. He then moved on, spending 18 years coaching girls varsity fastpitch softball at Shorewood High School.  
"Tom was recognized for his contributions to the community as the Cascade Softball Man of the Year, was inducted in the Fastpitch Hall of Fame in 2002, and was honored by the A.S.A. umpire's association with the creation of the Tom Rizzuto Annual Sportsmanship Award in 2012."

Roy's Garden: Warming up to fire pits

Photo by Roy Mangel
By Roy Mangel

There is a sizable division of thought regarding the enjoyment of a backyard fire pit. Many people enjoy the warmth of a dancing flame coupled with the crackling of glowing embers that are contained within their own personal blaze. While others feel that in this day and age there is no need to add excessive carbon emissions and burnt particles to our already diminished air quality. 

Photo by Roy Mangel

Here in the northwest I find the pendulum shifting towards positive feelings of gathering around the fire under the night’s stars. Still often I hear of neighbor conflicts over smoke and sparks too close to property boundaries and homes. As a fire pit proponent myself I urge everyone to choose wisely both the location of their fire pit and the type of wood you burn. Often just inviting your neighbor over to share a drink and the warmth of your embers may be enough to ensure your fire pit experience is stress free. Maybe you can utilize your fire pit for mending an already fractured neighbor relationship. 

Photo by Roy Mangel
The before mentioned wood may likely be your most important factor in deciding the successful integration of your new fire pit. Well seasoned and dry wood will produce a minimal amount of smoke. This is key for your own enjoyment as well. As someone who has learned the hard way, I can attest that even an hour long shower will not alleviate that fact that you smell like a piece of burnt wood for the next 24 hours if you use slightly unseasoned wood. Then please consider safety. I will not lecture anyone on fire safety other to say simple good judgment and close access to your garden hose is always a good idea.

Photo by Roy Mangel

Now that we have dealt with the unpleasant issues that come with your first fire pit, let's talk design.

Do you buy a fire pit or make your own. For most people it is as easy as a quick purchase at the hardware store. My feeling is you can’t go wrong with copper.

But for myself a fire pit it much more than a temporary fixture of your outdoor space. It is a well thought out space in your sanctuary that brings people together. A place for roasting marshmallows, enjoying a beverage with friends under the stars, or just communing with your yard on a cozy level that can only be found around an open flame. 

Photo by Roy Mangel
What are your choices you ask? Well consider them endless. Square, Circle, Octagon, below ground above or in the middle, you even can choose between burning wood or natural gas You may also want to consider your new fire pit surround. Do you have wood benches, Adirondacks, gigantic boulder benches, custom professionally built surround? Whatever you choose consider yourself on your way to a warmer future of camaraderie and fun. 

Defeated Ronald Wastewater commissioner returned to board

Arne Lind
Appointed Ronald
Wastewater Coommissioner
Arne Lind, the long-time Ronald Wastewater Commissioner who was defeated in the last election by former school board member and Shoreline City council member Robert Ransom, was appointed to the board last week.

The Ronald Board is in conflict with the City of Shoreline over an agreement signed in 2002 which negotiated a 15 year time frame for the wastewater utility to transition from the District to the City. The agreement was signed by Commissioner Arthur Wadekamper, who is still on the wastewater board.

The Ronald District now wants to remain independent and is lobbying the public and exploring possible legal grounds, such as requiring a public vote.

The original three board members, Brian T. Carroll, Arthur Wadekamper, and Arne Lind, are in favor of an independent wastewater district. Robert "Bob" Ransom, who defeated Arne Lind in an election, was openly in favor of continuing the agreed-upon City assumption.

Recently, the Ronald Board voted to expand from three to five members. There was an open public process to solicit and review candidates. Out of 21 applicants, the pool was winnowed to five, and Arne Lind was chosen. The appointment vote was two in favor with one abstention.

According to a press release from Ronald Wastewater:
"A majority of commissioners believed that Mr. Lind’s experience and understanding of the District would allow him to hit the ground running as a commissioner without needing to master a steep learning curve. The majority also appreciated Mr. Lind’s strong commitment to the public’s right to vote on which entity will provide sewer service in the future."
Next, the four commissioners will choose the fifth commissioner at a special meeting.
"There will be a special meeting on Friday, August 3, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. at the District office, 17505 Linden Ave N. At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Lind will be sworn in as a commissioner and will then join the Board to select another applicant to fill the five member board. The two newly appointed commissioners will flip a coin to determine who will fill Position 4 (serving until the next District election in 2013) and who will fill Position 5 (serving until the next District election after that in 2015)." 

Frank Workman on Sports: Little Slugger

By Frank Workman

I was driving home from an appointment on a Saturday afternoon a few years ago, and decided to swing by the local Little League field to see who was playing.

The two big diamonds were empty, but the two smaller diamonds had games going on. Younger kids, our local league's 8- and 9-year-olds, were playing, and given that it was early June, I knew it must be playoffs.

I parked my car and got out. Judging by the intensity of the fans, the game to my right was at critical mass.

The bases were loaded. I heard a fan on the side of the team in the field holler, "Just one more out!"

Up to the plate marched a Little Slugger. From the reaction of the fans behind the Little Slugger's bench, big things were expected from him, and he delivered. His high fly to left center fell untouched and all the runners scooted around the bases and scored. The Little Slugger beamed as he stood on second base.

On the next pitch, the Little Slugger took off for third. The throw from the catcher easily had him beat, so he retreated to second base, only to be tagged out by the second baseman on a good throw from third.

Game over.

Season over for the losing team.

I didn't notice the celebration going on by the winners. My eyes were fixed on the Little Slugger as he trudged to his bench, crying his eyes out.

When it was time for the teams to shake hands the Little Slugger couldn't bring himself to go through the "good-game" line, he was so disconsolate.

His coaches tried to encourage him to join in, but he couldn't. They even tried to lift him up, as if to give him the strength to proceed, but his body went limp like a sack of potatoes. I even walked over in hopes to cheer the lad up, and he damn near got me to crying, he was so distraught.

I headed over to check out the other game. It ended uneventfully.

About 15 minutes later, as I headed back to my car to leave, I noticed an impromptu game going on at the same spot where the first two teams had played. By my count, there were 10 kids, no parents, and evidently, no bats or balls. The pitcher wound up and threw an imaginary ball to the batter, who swung mightily at it (with his imaginary bat), and proceeded to circle the bases.

When he reached home, his teammates were all there to greet him with high-fives and smiles.

It was the Little Slugger. He had healed quickly.

The pages of this newspaper have done a good job throughout the school year detailing the exploits of young players in our area.

For some, their seasons ended in triumph, crowned as champions. For many more, their seasons (and for some, their careers) ended less gloriously, some with a called strike three, or a missed bucket at the buzzer, or the clang of a penalty kick bouncing off the goal post.

For those whose season failed to finish with a storybook ending, here's hoping you remember (and are remembered for) your effort and your successes.

And here's hoping you all heal as quickly as the Little Slugger did.

Judges and Courts in Shoreline

Judge Douglas Smith
Judge Marcine Anderson

In March of this year, I attended a Shoreline community meeting about the local court system. Judges Douglas J. Smith and Marcine Anderson presented information about the Shoreline District Court., which serves Kenmore, Lake Forest Park, and Shoreline.  Among other things, I found out that court proceedings are open to the public – why watch daytime TV?  Also, you can pay a traffic ticket or get a passport at the Shoreline District Court. You can even get married – although there are specific hours when the judges are available for this. Possibly useful things to know!

First of all, the Shoreline District Court is within the King County District court system and handles criminal infractions (misdemeanors), civil cases, and small felonies.  These courts are local and have limited jurisdiction.  Examples of cases include small claims (up to $5,000), anti-harassment orders, domestic violence protection orders, name changes, traffic and parking infractions, search warrants, civil litigation matters up to $75,000 and many other things. 

The next layer “up” is the King County Superior Court, which handles felonies greater than $75,000, and takes appeals cases from the district court.  There are additional layers above this, up to the State Supreme Court. Note that the US Federal Court System is an entirely separate system that goes up to the US Supreme Court.

Within the King County (KC) District Court system, there are specialized courts that certain cases may be deferred to: the Mental Health Court, the Veteran’s Court, and the Domestic Violence Court.  These courts are designed to handle special needs for specific cases.

Another shared service within the KC District Court system includes interpreter services.  451 interpreters can assist with translating in a total of 142 different languages – including Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Mandarin, Korean, Somali, Cantonese, Arabic, and Cambodian.  This allows for everyone to have a fair trial while keeping costs down.

Furthermore, the KC District Court system a number of features to improve the overall process.  Judges may use supervised probation to improve public safety and reduce recidivism – Shoreline District Court has two probation officers to serve this need.  While the judge assesses and determines probation conditions, the probation officers monitor for compliance with conditions.  Such services are for high impact and repeat offenders, and focus and keeping them from re-offending.

Judges may also opt to use alternatives to jail time, such as work crew, electronic home monitoring, work release, or community service for a non-profit.  These options reduce costs while allowing for useful service and monitoring defendants.

Technology is in the courtroom, too!  Paper files are a thing of the past with electronic court records; court sessions are videotaped to record proceedings. Additionally, multiple court facilities are linked through technology and governance: A court user can pay a ticket, clear a warrant, access court files, find out about their case, file legal papers, or research a case from any location within the KC District Court system. 

All in all – I found this presentation to be informative and impressive – truly a great example of how government serves us all.  For more information, you can go to their website 

Victoria Rhoades, ND, practices in Lake Forest Park.  Her husband has served jury duty in King County Superior Court – which I now know handles felonies!  Unfortunately, he couldn’t tell me a single thing about “his” case until it was all over. 

Quick Start Shoreline business workshop on Tuesday July 31

The Tuesday Quick-Start Shoreline Business Workshop for start-up, existing or potential business owners will be held on July 31, 2012 from 12 noon to 1:30 pm at Shoreline City Hall, 17500 Midvale Avenue N. The workshop is free; feel free to bring a snack or a brown bag lunch.

Social Media Simplified
8 things you can be doing right now to improve your online reputation

Event description

Feeling a little bit of "Social Media Information Overload"? Let's break it down to smaller, manageable bites.

Attendees can expect to...

Get simple, practical tips that you can use today to start making progress towards your business goals and start attracting new clients sooner!

Top reasons you should attend...

If you are a business owner who has been afraid of, unsure about, or unwilling to use Social Media to help grow your business.

Or, if you tried to use SM and didn't see the results you hoped for or expected.

If you are already thrilled with your results, this may not be the workshop for you.

Social Media Strategist, Community Manager Mountlake Terrace, Washington Tracey Warren

Tracey Warren has a passion for marketing, for teaching and for connecting people. 

Now, with Ready, Set, Grow Marketing she teaches business owners the value of Social Media Marketing through workshops and one-on-one coaching.

Defending champs return to BrewFest - get tickets now

Hundreds enjoyed last year's brewfest
Photo courtesy BrewFest

The second annual 4-Corners BrewFest will be held on Saturday, August 11th from 3-7pm on the patio and grass behind the Innis Arden Clubhouse at 1430 NW 188th St.

Once again, the lineup of brewers at 4-Corners BrewFest looks to be outstanding. Last year, Big E Ales took home the coveted Golden Growler with its Orange Creamsicle Ale. In 2012, the defending champs will be back as well as crowd favorites American Brewing, Diamond Knot Craft Brewing, Silver City Brewing, Emerald City Beer Company, Lantern Brewing, Naked City Brewing, Fremont BrewingGeorgetown Brewing, Gallagher’s Where-U-Brew, and Two Beers Brewing.

All told, twenty local craft brewers will be featuring over 40 delicious ales, lagers, porters, and stouts.

4-Corners BrewFest is a fundraiser for the Shoreline neighborhood associations of Hillwood, Richmond Highlands, Richmond Beach, and Innis Arden, with all proceeds going back into the community. This year, an equal percentage of the proceeds will also be donated to New Beginnings, a shelter for those affected by domestic violence.

Tickets are currently on sale for $30 at Brown Paper Tickets or in person at Beach House Greetings at 626 Richmond Beach Road. Your ticket gets you: ten 5oz tastes from 40+ beers, a souvenir glass, free food from local Shoreline restaurants, grilled brats, and more. A limited number of designated driver tickets (food and soft drinks only) are also available online for $15.

This year’s music will be provided by the Shoreline Bluegrass All-Stars, a loose collection of accomplished local pickers and jammers.

Space is limited so it is a good idea, and cheaper, to get your tickets early. Tickets at the door, if available, will be $40.

4-Corners.Org is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered with the Washington State Charities Program. 

The organization is 100% volunteer-run and takes its name from the common intersection of the four neighborhoods at NW 8th and Richmond Beach Road. The foundation of a strong community starts with four corners. 

For more information, visit 4-corners online.

Seattle Storytellers entertain and enlighten with stories, Friday

Coffee at The Bridge
The Seattle Storytellers Guild hosts a free monthly Story Swap for both listeners and tellers on the first Friday of every month from 7-9 pm at the Bridge Coffee House located at 2150 North 122nd Street, Seattle, WA 98133. You are invited to join them on Friday, August 3rd at 7 pm. Storytellers tell traditional and personal stories for adults of approximately 5-8 minutes each. Everyone is welcome to tell a story and the evenings are always a magical delight. Cynthia Westby hosting.

Coffee and snacks are available for purchase.

The Seattle Storytellers Guild, founded in 1982, is a nonprofit organization of tellers and story enthusiasts who actively promote the art of storytelling for adults and kids. The guild provides a forum for traditional storytelling, sponsors professional events, and provides performance and training opportunities for tellers at all levels. 

Our membership includes professional storytellers, writers, folklorists, traditional storytellers, oral historians, speakers, musicians, elders, ministers, health professionals, librarians, and teachers. Storytellers of all levels and interests are welcome."

Republican 7th Congressional District candidate says he would be an independent bridge-builder

Sunday, July 29, 2012

By Evan Smith

Republican 7th Congressional District candidate Ron Bemis says that he would be an independent bridge-builder in a sharply divided Congress.

Bemis said Friday that he would work with all sides to try to fix the nation’s financial problems.

He added that both Republicans and Democrats get locked into positions and nothing gets done.

Bemis is challenging Democratic incumbent Jim McDermott in the Aug. 7 primary along with Democrats Andrew Hughes, Charles Allen and Don Rivers, Republican Scott Sutherland, and independent Goodspaceguy, with the top two vote getters advancing to the Nov. 6 general election, regardless of party.

Bemis said that he expects to advance to November because primary voters are active voters who will read the voters’ pamphlet and see his message of a need for change in Congress.

The 7th District now includes Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, Edmonds, Woodway, nearby unincorporated areas of southwest Snohomish County, most of Seattle and some of Seattle’s southwest suburbs.

A recent Federal Elections Commission report shows that Bemis had $6,133 in campaign cash, compared to $387,735 for McDermott, $209,845 for Hughes and $17,658 for Rivers, but Bemis said that voters decide elections, not money.

For the Birds: Birds need bugs

Common Yellow-throat with caterpillar
Photo by Maggie Bond

By Christine Southwick

Birds Need Bugs:

Bugs are high in protein—just what migrating birds and developing nestlings need.

An Anna’s Hummingbird mother flies to her miniature nest and gently places her long bill into her nestling’s throat and delivers a meal of aphids, white flies, gnats, even tiny spiders.

Violet-green Swallow nestling with fresh bug
Photo by John Riegsecker
Nighthawks and Violet –green Swallow parents catch mosquitoes on the wing which their nestling eagerly snatch.

Blue Bird mothers bring tent caterpillars to their nestlings.

Local chickadees, nuthatches, and Brown Creepers are always on search and destroy missions, finding bug eggs and larvae on stems, leaves and evergreen needles, and devouring them before they harm our plants.

Yellow Warbler with caterpillar
Photo by Doug Parrott
White-crowned Sparrows, Song Sparrows, Spotted Towhees, Bewick’s Wrens, and Oregon Juncos feed their babies insects, grubs, caterpillars, and spiders.

Our local Downy, Hairy and Pileated Woodpeckers, and Red-breasted Sapsuckers feed their nestlings bugs found within tree trunks and braches. Flickers add ants to their menu.

New research on the cause of declines of city birds, especially Nighthawks and most sparrows, points to the lack of enough insects in cities due to pesticide usage, forcing breeding birds to nest elsewhere in order to feed their young.
bug meal for fledgling Oregon Junco
Photo by Mick Thompson

So how can you help the birds?

First, stop using pesticides.  Pesticides kill bugs we don’t like, but they also poison birds that eat the bugs, pollinating bees and butterflies that land on the sprayed plants, and family pets.  In our rainy climate, pesticides get washed into our local creeks, streams, lakes and finally into the Sound, disabling and killing fish and aquatic life all along the way.                                              

If you are having trouble with bugs, spray them off with water.  Caterpillars won’t kill deciduous trees—the trees just grow more leaves. Migrating birds thrive on the extra boost of protein in caterpillars.

Plant native shrubs and trees with berries.  Birds love native berries and will eat them before eating your berry crops. Native plants support more native birds, helping to make up for some of the birds’ lost habitat; the number one cause of bird deaths.

Add nest boxes. Wild Birds Unlimited, or Audubon can help you find ones properly made for the birds you want.

Add feeders and clean water (change weekly), and you can register your backyard as a Certified Wildlife Habitat.

Birds, and all our necessary pollinators will thank you, and you will have the joy of hearing birds in your yard, and watching their next generation grow.

Christine Southwick is on the Board of the Puget Sound Bird Observatory and is their Winter Urban Color-banding Project Manager. She is a National Wildlife Federation Certified Wildlife Habitat Steward, having completed their forty hour class. We're happy that she is sharing her expertise with us about the birds in our backyards.

For previous For the Birds columns, click on the link under the Features section on the main webpage.
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